AMC Covina 17

1414 N. Azusa Avenue,
Covina, CA 91722

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ridethectrain on March 4, 2025 at 5:51 pm

Seating Capacity:

Theatre 1 101 seats

Theatre 2 and 3 81 seats

Theatre 4 82 seats

Theatre 5 132

Theatre 6 131

Theatre 7 amd 8 253 seats

Theatre 9 193

Theatre 10 91

Theatre 11 and 12 90

Theatre 13 103

Theatre 14 332

Theatre 15 409

Theatre 16 378 IMAX at AMC

Theatre 17 329

Mako7915 on November 4, 2021 at 6:09 pm

This theatre’s opening movies include The Wedding Singer (SDDS; on two screens), Sphere (SDDS; on two screens), The Borrowers, Hurricane Streets, Titanic (SDDS; on three screens), The Replacement Killers (SDDS), Blues Brothers 2000 (SDDS), Spice World (SDDS), The Full Monty, As Good as it Gets (SDDS), Wings of a Dove, Amistad (SDDS), The Apostle, Desperate Measures (SDDS), L.A. Confidential, Good Will Hunting (SDDS), Great Expectations, Wag the Dog (SDDS), Zero Effect (SDDS), Deep Rising, Mouse Hunt (SDDS), Scream 2 (SDDS), Fallen (SDDS), Star Kid, Kundun, and Half Baked.

ridethectrain on September 21, 2020 at 9:13 am

Please update, 3129 seats (AMC closed 13 screens years agao)

rivest266 on August 4, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Feb 13, 1998 grand opening ad in photo section

Scott Neff
Scott Neff on May 4, 2016 at 4:37 pm

It’s been somewhat common for these AMC 30-plexes to have one wing blocked off leaving only the 13-screens in one wing and the large four screens in the lobby. 30-screens is just too much to program; not enough butts in the seats.

Judging by available showtimes on their website it seems this has happened also at the Deer Valley 30 in Phoenix, AZ. I know when Regal took over AMC’s Cantera 30 in Warrenville, IL they did the same.

Those that remain 30-screens have been turned into a hybrid of regular and Dine-In theatres.

inflightmagazines on May 2, 2016 at 12:02 pm

Any one know why this is now a 17 plex? Thanks!

Krikorianguy on June 5, 2013 at 2:24 pm

I Don’t remember my first experience but i do know what movie it was (Monsters Inc.). AMC Covina is a great theater, Big Screen with THX Surround Sound (At least i think this theater used THX once).I Saw Tons of great movies here. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Transformers, Spider-Man 3 (Which was the only time i remember that they sold the snacks and food in the auditorium before the pre-show), Indiana Jones 4, I Haven’t been here since 2010 (it had an IMAX by then?)I Plan on coming here again soon though.

Krikorianguy on January 24, 2013 at 7:31 pm

I Saw my first movie here

chococinephile on September 11, 2011 at 3:51 am

Also, as of September 2011, businesses are leaving the center like rats from a sinking ship. PetSmart and Michaels both relocated to West Covina. The only “new” business is Lowe’s replaced Home Depot with the last year.

I remember going to the Sears with my parents when I was young, back before all the Sears and JCPenny’s attached themselves to malls. I can still smell the popcorn and rubber. They had a popcorn/candy counter in the Sears near the tires and Craftsmen tools department.

jmarellano on May 24, 2011 at 7:18 pm

Due to declining business, AMC has apparently closed one wing of the the theater and currently running it as a 17 plex. No plans on what they plan to do with the closed wing. This theater has suffered attendance decline since AMC opened their Glendora 12 a few miles away.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on April 7, 2008 at 11:15 pm

This megaplex was designed by STK Architects.

squidwarrior on June 10, 2005 at 1:52 am

i work there now. projectionist. easy job. robertas still there and vicky ramirez is my booth manager. both have been there since opening day.

jmarellano on February 19, 2005 at 10:07 am

ezfave, when did you work at this theatre? I was working there for about 2 years, from 1998-2000. I put a lot into the theatre and still have a picture of the Opening day staff.

ezfave on November 20, 2004 at 10:00 pm

I worked at this theater. There was a huge crew making it all work, concession sales, ticket takers, custodians, and on and on. We all had a blast and felt lucky to be working in such a big, great place. Management was great. I finally quit because I wanted to let my hair grow out and they had an almost military dress code. It was fun. I remember watching movies and being completely “up” on the films that were out at the time.