Camden Drive-In
2901 Admiral Wilson Boulevard,
2901 Admiral Wilson Boulevard,
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It didn’t last very long it seems. A 1940 aerial shows it to be demolished. The outline and ramps are present, but there is no screen or projector booth.
Opened 90 years ago today.
Some interesting contemporary details from F. H. Richardson, writing in the Motion Picture Herald’s June 8, 1935 issue. He had been meeting with Larry Ruch, manager of the Liberty theater in Camden.
“Ruch then escorted me to the location, just outside the city, of the Drive-In theater, which accommodates 430 autos on seven ramps. R. H. Smythe is manager. The screen image is 50 feet wide. The projection distance is 178 feet. The projection room is partly sunken, lens and observation port bottoms about even with ground level. The projection angle is upward, of course. Projection room is equipped with Simplex projectors, Hall and Connolly H. I. lamps and RCA sound. This theatre was opening that night for its third season. It has made more than expenses, though financially I was advised it was no world-beater.”
World’s first Drive in theatre opening Tue, Jun 6, 1933 – 15 · Courier-Post (Camden, Camden, New Jersey, United States of America) · Newspapers.com
Happy 85th!!! When did it close and what became of it?
85th anniversary tomorrow, June 6th 1933.
1933 diagram added, via The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit Facebook page.
There is footage of Camden Drive-in on Youtube(drive-in blues, towards the end). I think a little of the footage was used on a episode of American Pickers, and a still picture/photo as well(i forget which episode?).
There is information about the Camden Drive-in in the book “Drive-in theaters A History from their inception in 1933(Kerry Segrave).
Here is all the information I could find, plus photos of the site as it is now. Sad to see it without some type of marker for historical purposes! https://driveinadventures.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/the-first-drive-in-theatre-ever-june-6-1933/
Legible version added of the 1933 print ad in the Drive-Ins.com website. Via the Quality Retro Oldies 1900s-1970s Facebook page.
Now the site of Zinman Furs, the Camden Drive-In was located at 2901 Admiral Wilson Blvd. (U.S. Rt. 30) in Pennsauken Twp. New Jersey, between Rosemont Ave. and Lee Ave. Camden, NJ is incorrect!
No, there is no marker or sign on the site for the Camden Drive-In. Only PRIVATE PROPERTY and NO TRESSPASSING. Zinman Furs now occupies the site.
The entry for Camden architect Howard E. Hall in the 1962 American Architects Directory of the AIA lists “1st Drive-in Theatre, original, Camden, N.J, 33” among his works.
NOW PLAYING AT THE CAMDEN DRIVE-IN, Greta Nissen stars in “SPY 77” 25 cents per person and here is a new one,“No charge for car”.
Also this movie played here, “REFORM GIRL” and second feature, Betty Compson in “GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY”.
Here is a 1933 photo:
Here is a 1940 aerial photo:
Does anybody know if there is a marker or a sign on the site where Mr. Hollingstead’s creation once stood? If not, it would definitely make an excellent 75th anniversary gift next June 6.
This is an interesting lawsuit. It looks like Hollingshead shut down the drive-in in 1936 alleging that Paramount was trying to force him out of business. Perhaps the studios felt that outdoor theaters were a threat to their existing indoor business. Richardson Dilworth, plaintiff’s attorney, later became mayor of Philadelphia:
Here is an interesting article about the Camden and drive-ins in general:
When I was in college in the early 1980s, Admiral Wilson Boulevard was notable for the astounding number of adult businesses as well as ladies of the evening that would board the municipal buses trolling for customers. Ah, memories.
Here is a 1933 photo
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It is interesting to note is the 2nd item. It claims that this theater moved from Camden to Union 3 years after opening. While the Camden drive in didn’t last long, I wasn’t aware of the “move”.
Great history at these links:
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“Two White Arms” (1932)was the first film shown at a drive-in theater on 6 June 1933 in Camden, New Jersey. It was released in the US and shown at the drive-in under the name “Wife Beware.” The film was chosen because it had played for only one week in theaters a few weeks earlier and they wanted a film that would not conflict with major releases.