Century 21
1370 S. Colorado Boulevard,
1370 S. Colorado Boulevard,
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The Century 21 was opened by NGC on December 22nd, 1966. Grand opening ad posted.
A chronology of Denver’s 70mm presentation history has recently been published. The Century 21 is mentioned numerous times.
I’ve put together a booking history for the Century 21, from 1966 up to 1978 so far, in case anyone might like to know when a particular movie played there. I’ll be happy to share my research with you. Take care – Ken Mitchell (kennyjames7000@gmail.com)
I worked there with George Nichols as the Manager. The Cooper Cameo was our big competitor, down the street. Rich Vincent was one of the other managers for Mann Theatres at the Continental. Keith Issac was with General Cinema. Russ Page worked in Cheyenne Wyoming. His Brother was the Area Manager. I think he was Sid Page. Best Memories From The Movie Theatre Days. I think Mindi worked at the office? I’m on Facebook, Mick Sullivan if any of the old people want to contact me.
Hey, this theater was torn down as well. Parking lot sits in its old spot.
Sorry no idea on booking except CENTURY 21 at that time was first run and exclusive so you can bet was another important film the four power houses were in this order COPPER, CENTURY 21, CHERRY CHREEK and CONTINENTAL those were the days fun times sneaks, showmanship sad we do not have more photos of this wonderful theater
Does anyone know which booking followed Century 21’s lengthy 1978-79 run of “Superman”?
Yes I just woke up kept thinking do I know him yes RICH were you not at MANN, then left with KEITH ISSAC help and think you worked at CINEMA WESTLAND, later MANN took all G.C.C. in Co. and by then I was with MANN wow took me a little time to remember but in a week I hit seventy five I been posting a number of MANN THEATERS on FB as well as G.C.C. today in working the web ran into old BOX OFFICE mag. found what you see I posted, so I say again, CENTURY 21 was a real GEM of a theater hope to speak more with you all
Dennis, did you know Rich Vincent? A friend and I are looking for Rich and his friend Jim Townley.
Sad this very special theater does not have better photos, one of the most important theaters in it day, Cinema Cheery Creek so few
My division office was a Cinema Cherry Creek the original 1800 seats for GENERAL CINEMA, later I joined MANN THEATERS as C.O.O. so I know the Century 21 well, Co. blvd, meant everything then, so was all about COOPER and the Century 21, after those two I say was CHERRY CREEK, I am now retired in N.M. on FB there a number of theater sites there open to all
Does anyone remember if Disney’s “Tron” played here in summer 1982 and/or during its autumn ‘82 re-release?
I also worked at this theater summers from 1985-1990, eventually becoming an assistant manager. What an exceptional theater! I worked for Russ Page for quite a few of those years, does anyone remember him? I heard of Mr. Vincent frequently from District Office personnel who would frequently stop in because we were to close to their offices. This was one of the best jobs I ever had because of the great movies (“Top Gun” was showing when I started), great staff, and really great skills I developed while working my way from concessions into management. I remember when it closed and I sadly visited the Soundtrack a few times just so I could feel the aura of a place that meant so much to me.
Interestingly, I worked at Heritage High School a few years ago and it must have been built by the same folks that designed Century 21; it had the same “stripes” on the outside of the building.
Hey! I worked as a (concession) cashier and then an usher under the management of Richard Vincent back in the late 70’s. The Boys From Brazil was playing when I started and I was there for the duration of Superman. If I remember correctly – Close Encounters was playing at The Cooper and Invasion of the Bodysnatchers was playing at The Continental around then. It was either Close Encounters or Star Wars. The Cooper got them both at any rate. Actually I think it was Star Wars because the ticket price was $3.50 for Star Wars and when we premiered Superman it was a huge deal that ticket prices had gone up to $4.00 (it was practically a scandal to charge that much). Mile High Comics had a display set up in our lobby with something like the first 4-5 issues of Superman comic books. We had to have an armored guard in the theater because the comics were so valuable (and we had so much money in the joint). That’s back when you actually had lines wrapped around the building waiting to get in. I remember we got to have a private screening of Battlestar Galactica. They were test screening it so it was employees only. Pretty cool. Also the seats on the left side of the theater had built in ashtrays in the armrest. Something you can’t imagine now. Century 21 was such a cool theater. People now have no concept of what it was like to see a movie in a theater like that or The Cooper or The Continental. The last time I was in Denver I hardly recognized Colorado Blvd. So sad that so many cool theaters are gone.
I worked up the street at the Cooper in the early 1980’s and remember Rich Vincent as the manager of the Century 21. I would love to reconnect with Rich and his friend Jim Townley, the manager of the Cooper/Cameo who was also my boss.
I worked at the Cooper during Blade Runner, World According to Garp, Pink Floyd the Wall and other memorable films of the early 80’s.
I remember seeing Raiders there opening day and later on my second ever date. I thought Close Encounters was at the Cooper and Gandhi would have been the last movie with an intermission. (maybe the movie had one and they did not use it) Is there any truth to the rumor that when The Jerk was tested there, Steve Martin was there?
Silent Movie and Close Encounters of The Third Kind played at the Cooper Theater four blocks north.
Saw many films there. The ones that come to mind are “Close Encounters”, “Marathon Man”, and “Silent Movie”.
Funny, isn’t it so funny. I was one of the first kids to walk through that movie theater when it opened in 1967. My uncle, Royale Milo, who designed the lighting and drapery of that theater gave me a private tour. Richard Crowther the architect of the building worked with my uncle on this beautiful creation. The lobby featured large round rings of jeweled lights giving a prismatic effect. As a kid of about 9 I was REALLY impressed and as an adult years later, so saddened to learn of the theater’s destruction.
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark in ‘81 in 70mm, one of the best movie experiences in my life, the sound was amazing and loud, I was 14 back then. Now I’m watching the re-release 31 years later in an IMAX theater in Spokane WA. We’ll see how it fares…
I spent a large percentage of my career working at the Century 21, including helping set up the theatre before it opened and returning years later to manage it.
It was originally built as a roadshow theatre with 70 mm capability and was a remarkable theatre in many ways. Not the least of which was its design. There were no 90 degree right angles or parallel walls in the entire building. Not only did this contribute to a modernistic design, it had practical applications for the auditorium by controlling sound bounce between walls. It was also the first theatre in the region to offer Dolby Stereo, which was installed for Streisand’s “A Star Is Born”.
I do not recall Snow White as being the first film, although it did play there during its first year of operation along with “Quiller Memorandum”, “Gambit” and “Casino Royale”. The very, very first film to play there was “A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Forum”, which ran for one night as a special invitational preview for the theatre before it opened to the public. As I recall the first roadshow film to run in the theatre was Disney’s “Happiest Millionaire”.
The Cooper Theatre was located only 4 blocks north of the Century 21. This created problems when they both offered reserved seats on roadshows because customers would purchase tickets for one theatre in advance and then attend the other by mistake, probably confused by the “C” in the names. Periodically they would even get past the doorman (sorry, that’s what they were called in those days), and the usher would realize the error when they couldn’t locate the seat numbers!
It’s heyday came years later when the capability to run “black track soundtracks” was installed. This meant the theatre could run rough cuts of films before the soundtrack was added to the print, allowing it to run advance previews of films. A number of studios used it to show test screenings which would be attended by the stars, producers, directors and studio execs. Dino De Laurentiis tested both “Hurricane” and “King Kong” at the Century 21 and said it was his favorite theatre for previews.
Dantonoff: I think I met your grandfather once at the theatre. I may even have some photos that I can share for your archives if there is a way to contact you.
I got my very first job 2 weeks after turning 16 at the Century 21. It was the end of the run of The Shining in the fall of 1980. I loved working there. They would do something grand for certain movies. The regular uniforms were terrible…. thick polyester sailor minidresses for the girls in royal blue with mustard piping. But, when they could, they got us great costumes to wear instead. For Private Benjamin, we all got olive drab army fatigues to wear the entire run. I was heartbroken to learn this theater had gone the way of all the big screens outside of places like Hollywood and London, and that it was first closed, then slated for demolition. I don’t even go to the movies anymore. I cannot stand these tiny TV sized screens. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t ever experienced a good movie on a big screen. You cannot come close to the experience in the theaters of today. RIP Century 21.
Any pictures you can take of the Century 21 even while it is being demolished, both inside and out help document the building for future generations. Please feel free to post them on this site. Likewise any pictures you may have in your families archives of the building under construction or in operation are welcomed as well. Thanks..
I just found out that the first movie shown at the Century 21 was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The last movie with an intermission was Reds in about 1981. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Thanks.
Hi movie theater buffs – my grandfather built the Century 21 Theater in the 1960’s, and the property is still in our family. We are planning a new shopping center on the site, and will be demolishing the theater building. I would love to hear from all of you about movies that were shown at the Century 21 or other interesting facts for our archives. Thanks!