Movie Theaters Around the World
Showing 46,831 - 46,860 of 47,433 closed movie theaters
All Theaters (60,435)Open (13,002)Showing Movies (10,936)Closed (47,433)Demolished (24,281)Restoring (310)Renovating (540)
↑ Name | Location | Status | Screens |
Willard Theatre | Chicago, IL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willcox Drive-In | Willcox, AZ, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willesden Hippodrome Theatre | London, United Kingdom | Closed | 1 |
William Penn Theatre | Philadelphia, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williams Agricultural Hall | Williams, Australia | Closed | 1 |
Williams Dreamland Theatre | Tulsa, OK, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williams Shire Hall | Williams, Australia | Closed | 1 |
Williams Theater | Ashdown, AR, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williamsburg Crossing Movies 7 | Williamsburg, VA, United States | Closed | 7 |
Williamsburg Theatre | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williamson Square Cinema | Franklin, TN, United States | Closed | 8 |
Williamson Theater | Memphis, TN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williamston Theatre | Williamston, SC, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willimantic Movieplex | Willimantic, CT, United States | Closed | 6 |
Willis Drive-In | Concord, NC, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willis Theater | Detroit, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willis Wood Theatre | Kansas City, MO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williston Theatre | Mineola, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Williston Theatre | Williston, FL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willits Theatre | Willits, CA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willmar Theater | Willmar, MN, United States | Closed | 2 |
Willoby Theatre | Willoughby, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willoughby Hills Movies 10 | Willoughby Hills, OH, United States | Closed | 10 |
Willoughby Theater | Brooklyn, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willow Creek Theatre | Palatine, IL, United States | Closed | 2 |
Willow Drive-In | Belleville, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willow Glen Theatre | San Jose, CA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willow Lawn Theatre | Richmond, VA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Willow Movie Theatre | Toronto, Canada | Closed | 1 |
Willow Springs Drive-In | Willow Springs, MO, United States | Closed | 1 |