DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

Unfavorite 14 people favorited this theater

Showing 851 - 875 of 1,253 comments

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 8:24 am

Well challenger there you go again.You just wrote that “more name calling and bashing."
There has been no name calling by me.There has been no bashing by me.
The only thing that I have done was to pose questions to you.
I have not called you names or bashed you.
You have on the other hand replied to the questions that I have asked with( "ps duper supporter I don’t respond to your whining”)
I will repeat.I have not called you names or bashed you.
I have questioned your posts,but you have not responded to those qusetions other than say" (“ ps duper supporter I do not respond to your whining”)
If that isn’t a bashing statement by you then there is no such thing as bashing.

DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 7:53 am

duper supporter I only use the ‘favorite’ sites like a bookmark so I can keep up to date on those four theatre’s, they are not necessarily my favorites. You friends like to make a lot of assumptions.

Funny also is how you friends refer to me as an “anti-preservationist” yet, I have been to the other 3 theatre’s numerous times. Again more name-calling and bashing.

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 7:44 am

A quote from the last post.
“The majority of residents applaud the efforts of the trustees to finally move forward….even if it is a step backwards by demolishing the historic building.Progress is what it is."
No,it is just an OXYMORON!!!!What it is is a mistake.
How can taking a step backwards by demolishing be moving forward?
Seems like that type of thing is prevelant by 4 of the village trustees.Government by OXYMORON

raymond on September 14, 2005 at 6:59 am

What is very intriguing is that if you do a profile on this challenger identity by clicking on his post name,he lists his favorite theatres as #1Dupage Theatre.#2Glen Art Theatre.#3 Tivoli Theatre.#4Wheaton Grand Theatre.
Wouldn’t you think that a person (challenger)who lists his #1 favorite theatre (that has a date with the wrecking ball and is on the national registery of historical places and is in his own home town) would be upset with the decision to demolish it.One would think that he would be working as hard as he could to save his #1 favorite theatre.
I offer an alternate solution to this challenger person.
Since you claim the dupage theatre your favorite,then get involved in an alternate solution to save it.
If your alternate stinks,then so be it.

DuPageIsDone on September 14, 2005 at 6:55 am

Think it is high time for Ms. Dynako to get off her high horse…and come to her senses. The theatre demolition is the will of the people and not just four trustees. If the will of the people was to indeed save it an any cost you would see support all over town. That is simply not the case. Game over, friends lost.

And don’t go doubting the library efforts…just because you and your failed crew (and lone library “friend”) will do anything to curtail the library plan, the residents will at least be given a chance to vote via referendum. That never happened with the theatre games. Your so called widespread support to save the theatre is not there…unless you count the couple dozen of you that continue with the same “fully funded plan” spin and the “we turned down $1.3 million in funding” (funding that was NOT real)nonsense and the berating of the board by continually questioning their integrity. And then of course the one sided “reporting” by the local tabloid..can’t even call it a newspaper anymore since it fails to report the real story time after time.

The majority of residents applaud the efforts of the trustees to finally move forward…even if it is a step backwards by demolishing the historic building. Progress is what it is.

DebDynako on September 14, 2005 at 6:13 am

Who’s “crying and whining?” We want the theatre. We get up and speak on the theatre’s behalf every meeting. We’ve shown that we are dedicated to the cause of preserving this building. It takes a lot of time, effort and character to stand up for what you believe in. What have you done besides hide behind your alias and snipe on this and your own website?

If the theatre is yours, and I agree that it is, then you should want it saved, for anything else that goes in its place will not be yours—-unless the library referendum passes, a snowballs chance in the down-below.

I don’t go to your other site “often.” I don’t have that kind of time to waste. I just wanted to know if anything you say here reflects what you say there. And it doesn’t. It would be interesting if you proposed your new “plan” on that site and see the reaction you got from your fellow “bloodlusters.” Nothing said on that site has ever been nice with regards to the theatre. And so my dear, Challenger, hang up your half-witted prose on this site, and go back to the folks who are so proud of you.


DuPagefiends on September 14, 2005 at 5:40 am

Deb, again you are dead wrong. On the other site all we do is snipe with you buddy, devitt. He has been posting under alias' stirring the bees nest for all of 2005. He seems to be the only ‘friend’ who posts on that site, and has a 100% inaccuracy rate.

Nice to know you visit that site often.

I will miss the theatre, but I won’t miss you and your crew crying and whining at every Board meeting.

DebDynako on September 14, 2005 at 5:12 am

The date with the wrecking ball had nothing to do with the work of the Friends and everything to do with Steve Sebby’s resolution to demolish, followed by Dick Tross, “Jack” O'Brien and Rick Soderstrom’s vote to carry out the travesity.

Challenger, I’ve just read your other site, and there you’re not the guy you’re portraying yourself to be on this site. You ARE gloating. My impression of you now is that you’re the type of guy who loves blood sport, but then shows a tinge of remorse when someone actually dies. “Oh, that’s too bad. He should have blocked that sucker punch…”

DuPagefiends on September 13, 2005 at 11:44 am

Deb, “nafarious” nice choice of words :)

You comment about the goalpost was good too. I’ll give you credit that perhaps hard work and long hours were put in. But your battle was an uphill battle from the beginning. I just did not agree with the direction your group took. Disagree with me all you want, but what do the ‘friends’ have to show for it??? A date with the wrecking ball?

You also say I am “not involved with the process,” I say you are very wrong. The Theatre is as much mine as it is yours. The theatre does not belong to the ‘friends’, it belongs to all of Lombard. Which means we all get a say in it. In my book that is an egotistical comment.

I offered an alternative solution, to form a new panel. I just thought of the idea the other day. If it stinks, then so be it, but your group has not had any alternatives. Quit wasting time because the clock is ticking.

And Deb, I have not “won” anything, and that is not my goal. I am not gloating. I offered an opinion.

( p.s duper supporter I do not respond to your whining.)

raymond on September 13, 2005 at 10:51 am

Well then,since you (Challenger )don’t go to village board metings
and you are not a village trustee,please explain just how you are going to “give the theatre another chance."
Please explain just how you could rescind the vote to demolish the theatre.
Please explain just how you could rescind the vote to reject all federal and state grants that the village was awarded for the restoration of the theatre.
You (Challenger) said "I am talking about giving the theatre another chance”.How are you going to rescind the vote to demolish?Please answer that,because that is what is going to have to happen.
Maybe you should go to the village board meetings and express your desires to give the theatre another “chance”.I am sure it would make excellent listening.
Just go before the village board and ask the board to rescind the vote to demolish the theatre and give the the theatre “another chance”.

Best wishes on debut performance before the village board.

DebDynako on September 13, 2005 at 9:14 am


You still make me giggle with your “knowledge” of the “facts.”

Why don’t you head the new team to save the DuPage. You and your buddy Biddle! He has Sebby’s ear. Maybe he can reason with him. There are four other historic buildings in this town slated to be demolished, maybe you can help him have a change of heart on those, too.

You say you don’t want to show yourself in public for “fear” of getting “trashed.” Look at all the nefarious things you’ve said about people who have in good faith, tried to save this building? The Friends took the direction the Village prescribed and did what they were asked. And when those criteria were met, the goalposts were moved back. It’s not that we’re a bad team, it’s just that we’ve been playing on unlevel ground. I take your words against our efforts as an affront to preservation of this building. And, your donation of buying a glass of lemonade so long ago does NOT make you a supporter.

Egotists? Not me nor mine. Again, it’s so easy to snipe at people from behind aliases. At least Bob DiFino stood up (although I don’t agree with his statistics—-using 44,000 as a population number but saying kids didn’t have the right to sign the petition!) Be a man and make your recommendations to the board this Thursday for all to see!

BTW, I haven’t made any threats against anyone. Or name called—-although, you HAVE! :) If your political representative is not doing the job you’d like him to do, you find a replacement (we just saw this happen with the FEMA director). People in politics know that if they don’t do the people’s will, there will be repercussions. That’s a political reality, not a threat. If the trustees that made the demolition vote think that that was a good move politically, then I guess we’ll just have to see what happens in the next election.

Please Challenger, you’re not really involved in this process, so since you’ve “won” why don’t you stop haunting this site and go back to your own.

Best wishes on new “challenges”, Challenger.


DuPagefiends on September 13, 2005 at 7:52 am

I don’t go to the Board meetings. Out of fear from getting trashed by you and your ‘friends’ group. All one has to do is read other post here by ‘friends’ such as yourself.

I am not talking about giving the ‘friends’ another chance, I am talking about giving the Theatre another chance. That’s the funny thing about your group, you think it is YOUR theatre, even though it belongs to the Village, and its residents. That is the problem with your egotistical group, you want all the glory, but won’t take any of the blame.

The resolution to demolish the Theatre was not MINE, it belonged to the Trustees and was voted on by them. I think you have me mistaken for somebody else.

What is this “CHANGE OF HEART” you keep talking about? I, for one, have questioned the ‘friends’ from the beginning. The ‘friends’ should disband, and let another group of residents give it one last crack. You failed miserably. Accept it, but you won’t. Instead you will whine and cry at this week’s Board meeting, and then there will be some stupid last attempt by your group to save it, perhaps chaining yourselves to the Theatre to stop the bulldozers. That is your only alternative at this point.

raymond on September 13, 2005 at 7:04 am

I will wait until the next village board meeting and listen to your presentation on how you are going to give the theatre people another chance at the preservation and restoration.Should make for interesting listening.Maybe you can explain away the formal refusal of all federal and state grants.Maybe you can explain THE CHANGE OF HEART.
Since your resolution to demolish was passed,you will have to formally rescind that resolution.
Good luck.I will support you.You have the ball now.

DuPagefiends on September 13, 2005 at 6:33 am

No gloating here duper supporter, the theatre is on life support and the plug is about to be pulled. The Village is taking demolition bids and the bulldozers are weeks away.

I am giving you an alternative, the ‘friends’ failed. Look around the business world, or the sports world, if the leaders in charge fails then it’s time for new leaders. All the ‘friends’ have done the past couple months is:
1. Tout useless statistics about signatures and signs, and then lie about their numbers.
2. Attack anybody who is against it.
3. Resort to name-calling.
4. Threaten local politicians and their careers.
5. Fill the local newspaper with opinions and mistruths.
6. and bring the same 18 people to each Board meeting to ramble, cry, and whine about the same issue over and over again.

If this were a football team they would have finished the season 2-14…a couple small victories but a failed season. After 7 years with the same regime in charge maybe it’s time for fresh ideas.

raymond on September 13, 2005 at 5:08 am

Deb Dynako,
If you read the response to you from the post above you should get the picture.All of his remarks just give him away.
Beware.He talks like the same trustee who has fought for the last 7 years for the destruction of the theatre.He talks about giant ego’s.
Look who is calling the kettle black.
Read his words.No respect for an elder(Mr.John Egan)who has given so much to historical preservation.
Now he wants to give another 30,60,or 90 days to come up with a new plan.WHY THE CHANGE OF HEART?
The reality is that there is no change of heart towards the theatre.
There is only gloating.There is also a foreboding about the vote to execute the theatre.
Beware of who you respond to on this website.

DuPagefiends on September 13, 2005 at 3:45 am

My good buddy Deb,

Welcome back! You must have been out fundraising!

You say you agree with Melders, like when he said the ‘friends’ should be partly held responsible AND that he didn’t agree with your current tactics (Scroll up 9 posts please).

Perhaps you should attempt this strategy: Because your group has burned way too many bridges, restoration of the theatre has a slim-to-none chance, and slim has walked out the door. The “friends” should step down, let Florey and Gron (pro-theatre trustees) appoint a new panel made up of new Lombard taxpaying residents, mix it up with people on both sides of the fence. No ex-friends! Put engineers, lawyers, Charlotte St. residents, construction people, artist, singers, whatever else, a mix of people.

Lay their simple agenda out for them, give them 30, 60, 90 (whatever) days to come up with a new plan, one that doesn’t rely so much on tax dollars. A plan that meets current code. If they come up with a solution, the theatre gets saved, if not then the inevitable happens. This strategy works. It gives the theatre one last chance, which it will not have with the current regime in place.

Face it, your group stinks. Six years of Egans dreadfully boring speeches, your unprofessional theatrics (asking and answering you own questions…please!), Alvarado’s threats of lawsuits, and Kramer’s silence speech. You ‘friends’ make me and everybody else in town chuckle. You have lost respect and now the theatre is doomed. You failed miserably, that’s a fact.

Drop your giant ego’s, quit blaming other people, and stop with the political threats. All one has to do is read your latest post and see what the ‘friends’ current agenda is….cover your own a*s, and find a fall guy.

DebDynako on September 12, 2005 at 5:39 pm

My Dear Challenger,

Been too busy to squak at you, but see you’re still enjoying yourself on this site. Melders has been holding to my position quite well, thank you. As are all the other preservationists on this site. But just as it doesn’t pay to speak to the four trustees—-using nice words or calling them out on the mistruths they’ve spun for public consumption—-it wastes my time jousting with you. If a public official gets a bit hot for hearing the truth from one of his constituents, yes me, then he shouldn’t hold the seat. The decision these four trustees have made is one that they should be ashamed of. But they’re not. They threw a lot of money away, but they don’t care. They blacklisted the town of Lombard, and made many residents angry. Wait until they see what a bulldozer does to their political careers…

Now Challenger, you may have to fill your day with negative postings. But I don’t. Got more important stuff to do right now.

Thanks for your concern on this issue.

Sincerely, Deb Dynako

DebDynako on September 12, 2005 at 5:39 pm

My Dear Challenger,

Been too busy to squak at you, but see you’re still enjoying yourself on this site. Melders has been holding to my position quite well, thank you. As are all the other preservationists on this site. But just as it doesn’t pay to speak to the four trustees—-using nice words or calling them out on the mistruths they’ve spun for public consumption—-it wastes my time jousting with you. If a public official gets a bit hot for hearing the truth from one of his constituents, yes me, then he shouldn’t hold the seat. The decision these four trustees have made is one that they should be ashamed of. But they’re not. They threw a lot of money away, but they don’t care. They blacklisted the town of Lombard, and made many residents angry. Wait until they see what a bulldozer does to their political careers…

Now Challenger, you may have to fill your day with negative postings. But I don’t. Got more important stuff to do right now.

Thanks for your concern on this issue.

Sincerely, Deb Dynako

DuPagefiends on September 12, 2005 at 4:42 pm

By the way, DuPagedude is our local Village Idiot…even though he moved out of our Village in a bit of shame…after his political career went down the toilet. Now he has a agenda, and it’s not really the theatre. He just uses it as a pawn.

As quoted above:

“Beware of DuPage Dude – he is a former friend of the DuPage Theatre who was asked to leave the organization due to bad behavior that damaged their cause. His incoherent ramblings of under the table deals and conspiracy theories are as ridiculous as he is.”

DuPagefiends on September 12, 2005 at 4:33 pm

DuPageDude…By the way it’s ‘website’ not ‘websute’…what a genius you are!!!

Oh and it’s ‘Village’ not ‘Vilage'
Oh and it’s 'especially’ not ‘especialy'
Oh and it’s 'unconnected’ not ‘unconected'
oh and it’s 'politicians’ not ‘politicans'
Who need the grammar books now?

An “overwhelming majority”…what are you smoking? 60 people showed up for their rally and there are only about 100 signs up in a town of 44,000. How could you say an overwhelming majority? Grasping for straws aren’t we.

DuPageDude on September 12, 2005 at 12:27 pm

By the way, it’s AFFECTED, not EFFECTED. Read more grammar books on break at Mickey D’s instead of comic books!!!

DuPageDude on September 12, 2005 at 12:25 pm

Instead of quoting something out of context on this websute too, why don’t you post the ENTIRE quote? I believe what was said was something along the lines of “IF THE VILAGE IS GOING TO PAY FOR THE ENTIRE CONVENTION CENTER WITH TAX DOLLARS, MAYBE IT’S TIME SOMEBODY SAID WHY HAVE FUNDRAISERS WHEN…” that’s pretty close, if you have part of it, why not print all of it, otherwise IT HAS NO VALIDITY (that means it’s not true).
See, you people miss my point!!! I’m not talking about a referendum!!! I DIDN’T EVEN USE THAT WORD. I SAID PETITION DRIVE!!!!All I’m saying is that if an overwhelming majority signs that they are in favor of the theatre project (and they would), how can the Trustee that took an oath to represent them vote no?
If a Trustee just got voted into office, how could they vote on such an important issue right away, especialy one with no alternative? Seems like they don’t have all the facts, unless that is, they listen to their people the way Sebby listens to his. As usual, you underestimate the people of Lombard. Once there is a oversized towering office building or condo there, or some faceless generic cookie-cutter building just like every other town, people will realize what they lost, and will not be happy about it. As well as there will be a large group of people out there to remind them what they could have had! Melders knows, he’s unconected to the situation and he’s warning Lombard about what they are doing, and a lot of other politicans and restoration experts are doing the same thing, so just wait…

DuPagefiends on September 12, 2005 at 11:45 am

Melders, the Theatre was voted down in June, there was plenty of time between October 2004 and June 2005 to have fundraisers, but as someone tied to their group was once quoted “why have fundraisers when the taxpayers will foot the bill.” We can agree to disagree.

Dupagedude, there is no way to get a referendum for November and April 2006 is the only chance to do that. The friends will find some way to extend it and get it thrown off the ballot while they search for ways to get $$$. 2005 turns into 2006..then 2007. Now we are talking ten years (really 20), The building won’t hold out that long.

As far as the voters are concerned, two just got voted in and have 3 years to go. Last election 2 of 3 Trustees and Village President ran unopposed. My guess is that their political careers won’t be effected too much. Besides only 5% or 6% of registered voters signed their petition.

DuPageDude on September 12, 2005 at 10:40 am

I STILL (and always will) believe that had the Friends done a petition drive door-to-door of taxpayers in the Districts where the Trustees voted against the theatre proposal, the outcome would have been different. Even with the fact that it would not be binding, it would show that support IS there for the project and some Trustees would have sum ‘splaining to do!!! I think even the Board was surprised that they didn’t. The petition drive they did do was open to anyone, and was difused with a single question…How many live in Lombard that signed? The Friends thinking was that people from all over will comee to the Theatre, but in actuality, it’s some of the ones in Lombard that would count.
Speaking of counting, I think that by voting NOT to save ANYTHING from the Theatre, Trustees are counting on voters to NOT remember the DuPage come election time. I think they will be very surprised when “Remember the DuPage” becomes a rally crime similar to “Remember the Alamo”. I hope that they aren’t depending on that big Trustee salary to support themselves!!!

melders on September 12, 2005 at 10:15 am

They “Friends” should take part of the blame, as should the city. While I do not agree with the “Friends” tactics I still must support there goal. As for their inaccuracies, I’m sure there are some, but I don’t believe I can trust you to tell me every one of them. As to not having a fundraiser, how can you have one when the city is going to tear the building down anyway? No one wants to donate to a project that isn’t going to happen.