Comments from bestoftimes

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bestoftimes commented about Tiffin Theatre on Nov 21, 2011 at 9:41 pm

I loved going to movies at the Tiffin in the later 50’s and early 60’s. It was “air cooled”, actually sort of like being in a fridge in the summer. My Mom always made me bring a sweater! It was a HUGE place, especially to a kid. The cartoons and double features were the draw. I always asked for a box of Jujubes as my treat. They were usually hard and took forever to chew, so they lasted the whole show. My mom had the idea that sitting too close to the screen was bad for our eyes, so we often sat in the very back row on the main floor. I now think it was more about her fear of being stuck in such a large place, in case of fire. Sometimes we walked all the way to the theater (we lived near Cicero & North Ave) but more often, my dad would drop us off and pick us up. (Mom didn’t drive!)

I remember an organ playing before the show began.

I also loved going to the nearby pubic library, the Crawford Dept store, the two dime stores (Woolworth’s and Kressge’s), the record store (I still have the 45’s I bought there) and so many other stores. We actually had very little money, so mostly we window-shopped, but we sure had fun.