Comments from bradyc

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bradyc commented about Polk Theater on Feb 20, 2006 at 4:48 pm

Well, I’d like to applaud the initiative and curiosity of all here for sparking my curiosity in this theater. As mentioned in my earlier post, I came upon this site in a roundabout way, but it sparked my interest and I made a pilgrimage there this past weekend. I wasn’t sure if I’d go in, but that was decided for me. The Polk hadn’t yet opened for the day when I got there. I grew up just around the corner but hadn’t been out there (on foot) in 20-25 years. The posts on this site most definitely piqued my curiosity. I’m especially fascinated by the references to the McCourt book (had no idea he grew up on 94th St), which I haven’t read, but just bought, thanks BoxOfficeBill.
Alto, you mention the owner being in his 80s. I’ll bet it’s the same guy I remember owning the place when I was a kid. I think he first started running the “XXX” flicks around 1969 or so

bradyc commented about Polk Theater on Feb 16, 2006 at 3:29 am

Edebohls. I was able to find a little information about the one in Sunnyside (apparently the original, which I didn’t even know existed) and the Edebohls family but nothing about the Junction Blvd. location.

bradyc commented about Polk Theater on Feb 15, 2006 at 6:17 pm

I happened upon this site while doing some research about a long gone ice cream parlor on Junction Blvd. I grew up on 94th St. in the ‘60’s/'70’s and remember the Polk very well. I always thought that marquee was the original and am intrigued by the idea that the original (as EdSalero suggests) is hidden beneath the metal flashing.