Comments from cosmichotspur

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cosmichotspur commented about Florida Cinema on Jun 10, 2007 at 7:05 pm

I lived in Argyle Road, just along the High Road from the Florida Cinema. One of my earliest memories, around 1952, was being taken by my older sister to see Alice in Wonderland and then being deserted when she went off with some friends. I was terrified when Alice began growing bigger!

I often went to see films there with my parents on a weekday evening as they went regularly every week. I rememnber the lovely woman who sat in a tiny cubicle taking the money and giving us our tickets – she was plump and had marcel-waved dyed blonde hair and very red lipstick. I also remember the thrill of the ice cream girl coming round during the interval and being bought a choc ice.

I vividly remember going with my sister to see Rock Around the Clock there and watching her and her pals jiving in the aisles!

Aaaah … memories of childhood!
