Comments from Dondunn

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Dondunn commented about Empress Theatre on Dec 29, 2016 at 3:25 am

ronvaughn and JAlex…this is Don Dunn, lyricist of This Is It, with music by Bill Boyd, and Bob Veech conducting…thanx for remembering…show also featured Paula Richards, who became a regular on radio with Arthur Godfrey right afterwards…Good production but suspected chicanery on Ansells' part cost creators $$$. Dunn and Boyd left St Louis following year for New York on advice of Broadway producer Leonard Sillman. Boyd had long careeer as music teacher, arranger for Harms Music, director of musicals, etc. Dunn spent career as writer for Business Week magazine (covering theater, B'way, TV, advertising) and found this site researching when he saw the late Debbie Reynolds onstage at the Empress doing play Gigi.