Comments from donktamblyn

Showing 2 comments

donktamblyn commented about Winter Garden Theatre on May 25, 2005 at 9:52 pm

As the Winter Garden approaches it’s 100th year it would be great if a tribute show could be produced to commemorate this. Of course this would require a theatre producer with a sense of history and imagination, which seems to be in short supply. Al Jolson was the King of Broadway from 1911 to 1927 and began his Broadway career at the Winter Garden, yet he has become just a footnote in that theatre’s history. When I lived in New York the only evidence of his contribution to the Winter Garden was a photo that the International Al Jolson Society provided to the theatre. Instead of Mama Mia there should be a show highlighting the songs of Jolson which out number ABBA and will be remembered much longer, they already are.

donktamblyn commented about Loew's Commodore Theater on May 25, 2005 at 8:57 pm

I lived in New York from 1982 to 1991 and visited “The Saint” several times while it was in opperation. I was never a big fan of disco clubs, however The Saint was the best club I ever attended. I was always curious about the buildings history and am sad that another theatre treasure has been demolished. Small minds and big bucks seem to have that effect. Too many buildings with rich histories seem to meet the same fate. I just learned today that the building that housed the infamous McGurk’s on Bowery is, or has been signed to the same fate. You would think developers could use some imagination to include history in their projects.