Comments from dzby

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dzby commented about NuWilshire Theatre on Nov 28, 2007 at 4:43 pm

Very interesting commentary about how little news coverage the NuWilshire’s closing received. I’ve lived down the street from the NuWilshire for 20 years, and I always enjoyed walking there to catch an intelligent, usually foreign, movie. I recently saw both Into the Wild and Eastern Promises, and there was no indication of imminent closure. I was shocked when, all of a sudden, the theatre’s marquis just went blank and the lights went out. Not even a sign in the window to say what happened. But then, we live in a country where the government can make a “pre-emptive” attack on a foreign nation without the slightest questioning by the news media. The closing of a classic movie house? Wouldn’t even get a mention in the back pages. The sad truth is, not only have we lost a local treasure, we’ve lost the more important safeguards once provided by responsible investigative journalism.