Comments from Ilovemovies00

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Ilovemovies00 commented about Brixton Square 8 on Oct 3, 2017 at 2:03 am

This theater was first General Cinema, a Hollywood Theater, then a Wallace Theater. I worked there in the early to mid 2000’s. Many fond memories of getting to watch free movies, and having many movie posters. This theater was was never upgraded to theater seating and the interior was probably no different than opening day but just aged. It was a neighborhood theater and I kind of wish they would go back to less than 10 screen theaters. Even though the pay wasn’t good, and we never were paid OT, it’s still one of my favorite jobs. FYI, If you ever wondered what those lights above the box office meant in lobby, that told us when a movie has started if green, yellow if there’s a problem, and red if the credits are rolling.