Comments from jeweleeanna

Showing 5 comments

jeweleeanna commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 14, 2008 at 11:35 am

Gerry C,

Small world,isn’t it? What years were you there? Was that the big red brick apartment building(lots of apts.) Did you go to the Little Store in the basement for candy,across the street from me? Knew so many friends when I was in grammar school, but they have all scattered.
Nice to hear from you,are you still in Chicago area or out of town?

Take Care and talk later!!

jeweleeanna commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 7, 2008 at 4:36 pm

P.S. Forgot to tell you where I lived, address was 505 W. 60th Place.

jeweleeanna commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 7, 2008 at 4:32 pm

No, I haven’t found a picture of Covenant Baptist Church either, all I could fine out by going to google maps was that it is now a vacant lot by the alley there.
When were you going to Lewis ? I was there between 1941-1950. Yes, I too remember the businesses there on Normal~Drug Store~Krogers(my Mom worked there)meat market with Kroger, show repair around the corner. The other row of bussiness and apartments are still standing, but boarded up, looks like the apartments are still active though. I use to work for the cleaners there in 1952 worked for Minnie Holt, she was so good to me.
Where did you live flickchick ? Were you toward the stores or Kelly Library? I was always in that library(was a book worm)couldn’t get enough books out to read,of course, we didn’t have TV, so we had to do something. Right?
What years were you living there too. All these questions, but my mind is going a mile a minute to realize that we can remember so much and it is not there anymore, like the church, Such a shame.
Do you still live in Chicago area, saw that you drove by there in one of your letters.
Englewood High that I remember is gone too, what a beautiful school, went there too for 2 yrs then went to CVS.
Well, nice chatting with you and hope I hear back !
Thanks~~Take Care Pat

jeweleeanna commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 5, 2008 at 11:16 am

Bob Leffingwell: So glad to hear from you, thought that Lewis was demolished as was Englewood,what a shame,such wonderful old structures. Seems like all we do is tear down and not try to keep history alive. Went to Lewis all 8 grades, from 1941 to 1950, such a
great school and wonderful teachers. We never hear why these schools were torn down and ugly buildings put up do we? I lived at 60th Pl. & Normal,right across from Covenant Baptist church which I see has been torn down and is nothing but a vacant lot, was married there. I can understand tearing a building down to make room for PROGRESS, but to just live next door to a vacant lot, think something is wrong with the people that came after us. Could have been used for a hall for the kids to learn something, constructive.
Guess you were always up to 63rd & Halsted too,everyone seems to have enjoyed that part of growing up in the Englewood area~theaters, so many to pick a good show from,White Castles,KarmelKorn shop.
We had a good time as kids, didn’t we?
Thanks so much for the info and hope to talk again !
Patricia Armon(maiden name)

jeweleeanna commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 4, 2008 at 3:35 pm

To: GerryC-ChuckieZ-FLICKCHICK-GoodlanderGirl & everyone out there
Please read above notes~~~>Pat