Comments from jimn

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jimn commented about Palace Theatre on Nov 22, 2007 at 6:43 pm

I am a member of the Hole in the Wall Theater at 116 Main St. Alas, we are not in the space of any prior theater. HITW is a performing arts theater located in a building immediately adjacent to the Andrews Building. The building we are in is a three story office building, with the theater occupying the ground floor. In the late 1800’s a wood frame church sat on this site and interestingly enough vestiges of that structure still are part of the current building. It if makes anyone feel better, the Andrews building has been renovated into office space and a restaurant is moving into the ground floor. Another community organization has purchased the Trinity Methodist church and is preserving the building while converting it to a Performing Arts Center. The RAO building is also being renovated into apartments, so at least in downtown New Britain, once vacant old buildings are being saved and renovated for new uses.Several years ago, the City of New Brtiain renovated the Gates building downtown to house the Board of Education. So, while all the old theaters have gone, there is a renewed attitude about preserving what is left.