Comments from justinjazz

Showing 3 comments

justinjazz commented about Kenmore Square Cinema on Apr 7, 2008 at 12:25 pm

To Charlie:
When I get back to Boston in late May I will send some scans to this web site if they will accept them.
Thanks for your remembrances. It was a magical time for all of us. The sense of community, the suggestion book entries that taught me so much.
Other memories from the Park Square:
Ruth Gordon talking about “Harold and Maude” which we made into a cult film in Boston.
Before I

took it over, “8 ½” premiered there.( I was a friend of the owner and that’s what led to me taking it over.)
The memory is that there was a display of the black hat that Fellini’s character wore.
I am reading a bio of Fellini by Tullio Kezich that describes Fellini’s creative process and the unbelievable dynamics on the set. Great stuff.
Another image: customers exiting the Park Square from Astaire/Rogers films dancing down the marble floor of the Park Square Building. Among them, dance enthusiast Jane Goldberg.
Any other memories of the Park, Kenmore or Coolidge Corner?
Justin Freed

justinjazz commented about Kenmore Square Cinema on Mar 28, 2008 at 8:47 am

Hi Ron.
Yes, the BU Barnes & Noble occupies the old Kenmore Square Cinema site. The original Kenmore Theater was at the other address cited earlier. It had been torn down many years before, as you know.
I think my old Park Square Cinema is just office or retail space now.
Justin Freed

justinjazz commented about Kenmore Square Cinema on Mar 28, 2008 at 8:28 am

Justin Freed checking in:
I just found this site. It is great to read about customers from that era.It was a wonderful time of discovery, beginning with the midnight showings of Underground Cinema.
The 60’s were also a great time for Italian cinema including Fellini, Pasolini,Rosi, Germi (both of whom should be rediscovered) .
Thank you all for remembering this era.
The Coolidge is happily in very good hands today, one of the few remaining indie theaters, along with the Brattle and West Newton in Boston.