Comments from lahabradq

Showing 2 comments

lahabradq commented about Warner Drive-In on Feb 12, 2005 at 3:34 am

This Drive-In was at the corner of Warner and Gothard in Huntington Beach. I remember going there to see a re-release of Bambi in the late sixties or early seventies with a carload of family members. It had a playground just below the screen where there would be houndreds of kids playing before the film started. Around the parameter of the complex were many huge eucalyptus trees. Just before it closed, Edwards Theatres opened a brand new megaplex at the Charter Center a block away. That was death for this place.

lahabradq commented about Highway 39 Drive-In on Feb 12, 2005 at 3:18 am

The Highway 39 Drive-In had a beautiful mural of sail boats on the back one of the screens facing Beach Blvd. Too bad it is gone. The property now contains a Lowes, WalMart and Burger King.