Comments from Lex

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Lex commented about Fox Theatre Seeks Partner(s) on Feb 5, 2006 at 6:09 pm

I used to live in Crestview and the only theatre was the “Fox”. I died laughing when I saw this…because every once in a blue moon- I check Crestview’s sites and sounds out…and came across this. I think it is fine if you want to re-establish a landmark; however I wonder…would you show “BrokeBack Mountain” or would the local Bible thumpers freak and ban it??? If it is anything like the old Crestview- and- judging by some forum I was just perusing…PROBABLY. If you lived here in NYC- you would probably have a lot of luck in restoring a landmark and having it artsy and such…but my recollection of Crestview was that the biggest event happening was Wednesday night at the baptist church…everyone getting saved after greasy fried chicken and cornbread. I was Catholic- that was considered an anamoly in that town. Anyway, like I said…saw “Jaws” at the Fox…Good Luck
