Comments from loisgraham

Showing 4 comments

loisgraham commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 15, 2008 at 10:04 pm

There is, I believe, a nice coffee table book about the old USA Theatres. I recall see one breifly about 10 yrs. ago and maybe both Marbro and Paradise were in it in color, but I think it was only the Paradise. I’ll see if the book exists on eBay and get back tomorrow. I’ll bet a lot of us would like to own it. I bought one on Riverview AmusementPpark not long ago. Spent my girlhood there too!!Ahhh those days!

loisgraham commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 15, 2008 at 9:58 pm

Hah! It’s getting late! I am probably making typos too. I’m in Arizona now for 48 years. But I lived on the weat side of Chicago for all my girlhood. Went to Emmett Grammer school and Austin High. I owned and operated B-Trim beauty shop (at age 16 to 19 !!)near Laramie and Madison. I could walk to both theatres but probably took the Madison St.Bus. I wish I could walk in right now and you couls sell me a candy! Nice to meet you! Lois

loisgraham commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 15, 2008 at 9:33 pm

Ihanks for refreshing the memories. I have never shaken the images of those blue lit alcoves from girlhood. They are like ingrained in my subsconcious!! Ha Ha.
You have helped me get focused on the two theatres. What was where. WHO can forget those bathrooms. OMG! I so appreciate your writing!! I also went to the Crawford and the Cicero. I lived in the Austin area. All the best. Lois

loisgraham commented about Marbro Theatre on Jun 15, 2008 at 8:01 am

Which theatre, the Marbro or the Paradise had the blue lit alcoves which had white statuary in them? (At the sides of the aisles and down front.) Impressed on my memory to this day!
Which theatre, The Marbro or the Paradise had the gilt framed oil paintings to your entering right hung on a wall close to where you entered into the darkened theatre ?
I attended in the 1940s-50s To me, a little girl living behind her dad’s Radio-TV store ( Air Wave 5227 W.Madison St.) the two theatres looked like I supposed Heaven looked. They are still in my dreams—if only I could walk in once again.I could have spent eternity there. Imagine how sad,—– kids of today can’t pay a quarter and walk into such opulance. We were the lucky ones.