Comments from whenpigsfly

Showing 2 comments

whenpigsfly commented about Queen Theater on Mar 4, 2015 at 11:12 pm

There were six movie theaters in Abilene c.1930-1960: Paramount (the finest) and Majestic on Cypress St Queen on N 2nd Broadway on S 1st Linda and Texas on Pine Linda & Texas showed only B&C movies and serials Only the Paramount remains

whenpigsfly commented about Queen Theater on Mar 4, 2015 at 10:55 pm

The undated photo of road construction dates from 1959-60 when Abilene tore up every street to “modernize” downtown, hastening the flight of shoppers to new shopping centers on the edge of town. The Queen was still operating in May 1963 – I saw “Lawrence of Arabia” there.