Odeon Romford

108 South Street,
Romford, RM1 1SS

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Tiny Ron Knee

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Uploaded on: March 31, 2023

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Havana Cinema Romford

Opening night photograph showing a rather toned down night, as explained earlier. Palm trees were the only decoration on either side of the orchestra pit. Fret ornamentation was again exploited, using a wide band around the outer lines of the walls. Beige, amber and peacock blue were the principal colours employed, while concealed lighting was mainly utilised throughout. Pale shaded bands on the side walls lead to the horizontally louvred splay wall grilles, which also had concealed illumination along the top. The 60ft proscenium opening was framed with an enriched reveal. Clark & Fenn of Clapham were responsible for the entire decorative and fibrous plaster interiors. Leslie H Kemp library.

Ron Knee

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