Odeon Romford

108 South Street,
Romford, RM1 1SS

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Tiny Ron Knee

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Havana Cinema Romford

Photograph taken February 1936 showing the newly opened Havana cinema, from the Leslie H Kemp library. The Grand Opening due to take place on Monday 27th January 1936 was cancelled owing to the funeral of George V and a toned down presentation took place two days later on Wednesday 29th January 1936. Gaumont-British film star Rene Ray appeared on stage to formally declare the Havana open, this was followed by a selection of music by Havana organist Frank Matthews on the new Compton organ. Architect Kemp had designed the Havana for the New Victory Cinema Co., Ltd. The photograph above shows his impressive design of the façade complete with a high side flat tower that served to show the name Havana from a distance and to advertise the films for the week. As with many of Kemp’s cinemas he was always looking for new ideas, for the current films he devised a system where lettering was placed in front of white glazed illuminated panels by hand from special walkways fixed inside to tower, so saving the need for two men working externally with long ladders, sometimes in inclement weather. Shaw’s Glazed Brick Company supplied dark tiles for the tower, also cream faience for the adjoining entrance giving a striking appearance. William Frederick Blay Ltd., was the main contractor for the Havana, a Kemp favourite for coming in on time and budget, Blay was in great demand during the hay-day of cinema construction, this was his sixth completed cinema in 1935.

Ron Knee

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