Movie ticket prices…good for the box office, bad for moviegoers
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November 13, 2007 at 8:00 am
By now you have noticed that ticket prices at all theaters, especially newer ones, have increased up to 5% from last year. This as the box office tries to recover from a bad September and October, when Halo 3 and some bad movies were to blame for poor box office and some theater closings. The Ziegfeld Theater is the highest-priced Cinema Treasure and probably the most expensive place to see a movie in the tri-state area. With these higher prices, will you still go out to the movies? I prefer going once or twice every month.
Comments (76)
Justin, do NOT get me started on this topic!
(too late!)
In New York City, ticket prices have gone as high as $12.00 at some theaters! Now let’s just take a long, close look at what you’re getting for your money these days:
(Wow! I simply can’t handle that much fun!)
Seriously, though, I go to the movies now maybe once every two months, or so. When I do, I’m very picky about what I see. It’s very often an independent film because I have a better chance of walking out of the theater a lot more fullfilled. On the plus side, I live on Long Island, and ticket prices are a bit cheaper (but not by much).
This all certainly helps to justify my name, doesn’t it…LOVE MOVIES, HATE GOING!
Theaters are pricing themselves out of business. It’s gotten too expoensive to go to the movies. Don’t forget how expensive gasoline has gotten just to get to the theater.
You’ll be bombarded with trailer after trailer for sequel after sequel and remake after remake anyway. Considering that the theaters get paid for showing commercials, admission should be free.
I’ve always felt that movie ticket prices should never have gone above $5.00! What theaters ought to do is charge based on the length of the movie. A lower price for a 90 minute or less movie, and a little higher for an epic. Makes sense to me.
The movie-at-your-local-multiplex-experience, in my opinion, seems very much like White Castle restaurants – people constantly complain and complain about how terrible it is, and yet the good business continues, year after year.
I predict that within 50 years or so, the movie theater will become completely extinct. Movies will likely be made for immediate DVD release or computer download (for a price).
You know, it’s also a wonder we even still have the Academy Awards anymore! With all the garbage on the screen this past decade, what exactly are we celebrating??? I suppose if we didn’t, someone like Joan Rivers would be out of a job.
Theaters are not pricing themselves out of bsns …$12 ticket price for the ZIEGFFELD IS MORE THAN FAIR….At the 1950s price of $3.50 with inflation the current ticket price should be $25.oo +
Current attendance (not money ) for the last 3 years are in the top ten of attendace over the last 50 years….
TOPIC SHOULD READ ;Higher ticket pricer good for BOX OFFICE and GREAT FOR MOVIE GOERS!
I decided to stop complaining some time ago and just stop going. That puts money in MY pocket and keeps it out of those who make insulting movies and those who help to create an unpleasant moviegoing experience.
I love movie theaters. I would be here if I didn’t, but I don’t believe today’s amusement-style, expensive-as-hell, multiplexes are anything like what movie theaters used to be. For me, all of the beauty and pleasure of going to the movies is OVER. They are now a thing of the past. That’s why I’m here. Like many of you, I enjoy discussing the pleasures of the past.
It’s very disappointing to think something like this, but has anyone else considered the possibility, that if the movies continue to deteriorate in quality the way they are – maybe, just maybe, today’s movie theaters (and I use the term very lightly) are NOT WORTH SAVING?
The past was not always better than today. Whilst films like “300” or “Elizabeth: The Golden Age” may not be at the level of say a “Ben-Hur”, the fact is that in 1959 few, very few films were at the level of “Ben-Hur”. Or pick whatever year or film you want, there aren’t that many “Great” ones. But with the passage of time, we forget the bad and just dream about the great ones. The golden age is always somewhere in the past.
I agree a century from now, people will still be going to movie theatres. Yes, the ticket price in 2107 may be $50, but people will still go.
I would have to agree. I heard this morning on Fox business that the film industry has lost over 2 billion dollars.
The problem is they have to raise ticket prices. To pay for operating the location and the pay for all those Happy faces behind the ticket and snack counters and the lone projectionist. Everyone is looking for a raise in pay these days. You can’t change more for the candy and popcorn, because it will bring more people into sneaking it into the theatre.
Ceasar, is that because of the current writer’s strike or ongoing lack of attendance?
I, for one, have to say that the writer’s strike does not phase me one bit. The way I see it, if there’s no writing, then for the time being, there won’t be any new bad TV or movies.
I tell you, though, you add that strike on top of the Broadway stagehand’s strike in New York City, and entertainment has been virtually wiped out for now.
also consider the movie pirates out there. With the advent of Youtube and Bittorrent, millions of internet users can finally watch a movie days before or after it’s out. A good example of this is American Gangster, which a good copy was made from a screener dvd that was sold on the black market. Despite that, the movie is doing great at the box office and with Bee Movie make up for the rest of the box office crap that is out there in the plexes right now. As for prices in the theaters, prices for 3-D shows are something new to crow about. In the past, the price for a 3-d show was the same as a regular show. Now with the advent of digital 3-d, the price is even higher, which means higher grosses for movies that don’t do well in 2-d.
Like others here I just stopped going. Is always more frustrating then an enjoyable experience. I’m 22, used to be a projectionist for the passed five years and truly love the cinema and always will however in my opinion its being ruined by poorly operated mega-chains from up top on down that seem more concerned over this weekends promotional materials of a new show on NBC or a video game then what’s actually onscreen and going on with the customers. That tied in with NCM preshow advertising and the loss of romance without film at new digital theaters I just don’t see the point anymore.
The staff doesn’t care, none of the theaters pay well for them to care or seem to even appreciate a hard lower level (manager on down) worker basically giving up their social life for the love of cinema. At least here in Chicago presentation is usually pretty lousy at the plethora of theaters we have to choose from. Prices aside maybe my standards for what I believe the movie going experience should be are just simply too high so write me off as a complainer if you will. Let it be known at every theater I’ve worked I’ve tried very hard to revive some of the lost showmanship and just to care about the job and most of all the customer but its only been a battle and I even ended up getting fired from a bit off more then they can chew chain known as Cinemark. As much as I love this industry and what I remember of the dying age of the 2,3 and 4 screen plex from when I grew up I honestly don’t have much hope for it. But who knows that could change. I for one don’t think its the prices that are hurting theaters. People will always want to go out. Its the quality of the environment, bombardment of advertising, and the “herding the cattle” like atmosphere that most megaplexes share.
What I hope to see in the future is a return of the neighborhood theater down the street.
a_projectionist, you spoke my sentiments (or lack thereof) almost to the letter! Cheers!
Don'r worry I’ve been paying attention to the writer’s guild strike too. It’s beginning to spread to the tv shows. I’m wondering when current films in development are going to feel the heat over this. I heard this could be a long strike too. When the Broadway stagehands went on strike I found that interesting too. Already the new talk is that CBS could affected next with this strike.
Almost seems like EVERYBODY in the entertainment industry is on strike!
Well, all I can say is, thank goodness I got to see the VAN HALEN concert last week before Eddie and Dave potentially start fighting again. Now I can die a happy man!
Since broadway’s on strike, theatergoers will have to go to offbroadway theaters, Radio City Music Hall, and the movies.
the last time there was a strike like this was back in 1988. Now Ben Stein had something real interesting to say about these guilds last night on the O'Reilly pointing the fact that the strikes have weaken the unions. I ask myself how? Now one idea that the tv networks have been floaring around is showing imported tv shows. I figure it’s matter of time before shows like Law and Order and its franchises are affected. And other shows.
Hey, at least we can all still go see XANADU on Broadway!!!
but we can’t see “The Grinch” (the first musical to go on strike) on stage, just on TV and in the movie and the book. Also, “Mary Poppins”, “Lion King”, and “Little Mermaid”. Those disney musicals aren’t as good as the movies, but Beauty and the Beast remains my favorite movie-to-musical.
My wife is a Broadway and showtune guru. She loves it all! I generally dislike musicals. Talk about opposites attracting!
The Grinch a Musical? Oh My Jim Carrey singing on stage and freaking out all the New Yorkers and tourists. Oh my have we step into the Night Gallery and Twilight Zone. Pardon my sense of humor:) but I was referring to the Grinch film he did with Ron Howard.
I was walking down Broadway back to my office for a 5:30 show. I pasted by the Broadway Theatre and this group was walking past the Local One guys walking the picketline. One of them asked the other person. Why are they striking the show is already written?
William are you a broadway producer? Just courious. U give real time coverage on the broadway strike here from your end. That last line had me laughing. Even though a stike is no laughing matter.
People should TAKE NOTE you can buy the Entertainment Book and get Discount tickets for AMC And Clearview Cinemas. The AMC tickets for GOLD(Go the day film opens) are $7.50 Silver (use ten days AFTER film opens) $6.50
For Clearview(Zig) tickets are $7.00 for “Gold” and $6.00 10 days after film opens.
Plus if you are a Optimum Tripple Play customer then movies at Clearview Cinemas are $6.00 AT ALL CINEMA"S (Even the ZIG)
Tue night FREE.
The entertainment book is NOT THE ONLY place for discounted movie tickets! One can get 40-60% off regular box office prices!
Ceasar, no I’m not a Broadway producer, I’m a Studio Projectionist in Times Square.
I used to see three or four movies a week, not alot considering I completly stopped watching television about six years ago. I’m more choosy on what I see now, considering the price. I try to stick with art house and foreign films of better quality. I think the movie price is right for the times. People don’t realise that they have more expenses now than they did say thirty years ago. You didn’t have the cell phone bill, the internet, cable, the fancy SUV…So you had money to go to the movies and at the gas pump!
Well I have a Regel Crown entertain card which has been real handy in getting discounts. And lower ticket prices too. I would love to have other discount cards too like from Cinemark too since I’ve been to thier theatres too.
The old days no leather seats ,no doulby digital ,no dts, no beer and wine,in many ways the bsns has gotten better!
I’ve been going to and enjoying movies in theaters for over 55 years but I’ve just about had it with the bad projection (out of focus, out of frame, improper sound level, etc.), with the rude behavior of modern day audiences (cell phones, text messaging (Grrrrr!), talking, coming in late, etc.) and with the outrageously overpriced concessions ($5.00 for a small popcorn or Coke…give me a break!) The final straw for me has been those 20 minutes of commercials masquerading as entertainment in the form of pre-show bad quality video. That torture is of course before the 15 or 20 minutes of loud trailers for movies you have mostly no interest in or intention of seeing.
Hey high definition satellite TV, even standard definition DVD, looks and sounds pretty damn good on a wide screen plasma TV, better in my opinion than the image at many of the multiplexes. I’m finding myself staying home more and more. We usually only go out for the flicks that really benefit from the big screen theatrical experience, the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy for instance, or something we REALLY want to see. Otherwise it’s wait until it comes out on DVD or on one of the HD movie channels and enjoy it in peace and quiet at home.
That all being said, I suspect that there will always be movie theatres, maybe just not as many of them. People, young people in particular, just want to get out of the house and go somewhere and see something with an audience. I remember back in the early 1950’s when they said black and white TV was going to kill off the movie theaters altogether. It did of course reduce the number substantially but it didn’t eliminate them. In recent years there has been a theatre building boom in fact. Yeah I suspect movie theaters will be around long after most of us are gone…and that includes all you young whippersnappers! That’s just my most humble and most ancient opinion you understand!
i agree with you. In the near future, when robots and alien lifeforms take over earth, these cinema treasures will become gathering places for creatures of all sizes and ages to live and prosper.
Justin, “robots and alien lifeforms”? just how many times did you go to see Blade Runner,the Final Cut?
ive seen the version on vhs, the european cut from embassy. i will get the final cut on bluray for xmas.
Justin… I know its a hike for you, but if you ever needed a reason to come into NYC, checking out the DLP presentation of “Blade Runner: The Final Cut” at the Ziegfeld was surely a great one! Unfortunately, as of this week, the midnight showings at the Zieg have run their course and the movie is only playing at Landmark’s Sunshine Cinemas and the AMC Empire 25.
As for the general topic being discussed here… I, too, find myself going less and less often to the movies – and pretty much for many of the same reasons as have been recounted above. Having said that, I still maintain that there is no better way to enjoy a movie than at a theatre, in the company of other cinema enthusiasts. As comfy as my den is and as crisp an audio/visual experience as my 60" HDTV and surround sound system affords me, I’d still choose the cinema experience as a preferrable ideal. Unfortunately, a lot of things get in the way of an enjoyable movie-going experience these days, but it is possible to avoid many of those pitfalls – at least here in NY.
Aside from the many discounts that are available for those willing to hunt them down, there are alternatives to the local multiplex – where it seems that the collective experience is often about anything BUT the movie playing on screen. There are many theatres out there in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and Nassau (and probably other areas nearby) where you’ll find the patrons respectful, courteous and enthusiastic about watching the movie and not networking with friends (either in person or via cell phone texting) or making the auditorium an extension of their family room.
There’s nothing we can do to avoid those annoying commercials and canned pre-show video presentations, but who even pays attention to those anymore? That’s where you can enjoy some pre-show conversation with your better half or friends – and at the Ziegfeld, they tend to play those at a very hushed volume so that they don’t intrude upon pre-show chatter. As for the trailers – I love them and always have. Overpriced concessions? Sure… so, I keep it minimal by getting a combo popcorn and large soda to share while sneaking in my own bag of M&M’s from the store! Who says you need a full hot dog or pizza meal in a movie theatre?
I hope that the day never comes when I decide to pack it in and give up the movie-going experience alltogether.
Oh, and there are some Broadway shows still running despite the strike. It seems that the theatres housing “Xanadu,” “Young Frankenstein,” “Mary Poppins” and “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” are operating under a separate contract with Local 1 than the affected theatres. Additionally, all of the non-profit Roundabout Theatre productions are still going on.
a-projectionist – you are bitter do to how you were treated by your company .But at 22 its hard to believe you know much about the good old days of movie going!
Ed, I was off from work on October 5th, when BLADE RUNNER opened at the Ziegfeld. Becasue it’s one of my favorite sci-fi movies, I made a special trip on LIRR to go into the city and see the first show of the day. For that movie, all the aggrevation and the high ticket price was worth it. At least I knew ahead of time that I was going to love the movie, and I did.
Ed, I was just looking at your nightime picture of the Squire Theater in Great Neck, Long Island. Do you live in Great Neck?
Nope. I live in Lynbrook. But up until May of this year (and when that Squire photo was taken) I lived in Bayside, Queens. I’ve definitely logged some miles driving around the area to get photos of certain cinemas – as you can see from my photobucket album!
I read that BladeRunner the Final Cut was released in a limited release. It’s really ashame that the studio wouldn’t given a broader release here in the southeast. It’s like they snubbed this region of the country which is so dumb. But I’m looking forward to getting the special dvd when its released. I saw BladeRunner in college and I really liked it. I’ve been a big fan of Ridley Scott. All I can say about some of my narrowed minded southeners they tend to sbub artiscal films.
The release of BR has been slowly expanding to other cities, due to the popularity of its initial runs in LA and NY (both of which have been extended and expanded to other screens). I’m not sure where its posted, ceasar, but you may be able to check the WB site to see if any engagements are planned near your neck of the woods.
I live on Middle Neck Road in Great Neck just a short walking distance from The Squire. I’m going there tomorrow night to see AMERICAN GANGSTER. I do my best to see the occasional movies I’m interested in on a weeknight so I have less people to deal with.
BLADE RUNNER has been held over during its limited theatrical run because it’s doing so well. In fact, I think it’s been out longer than some new releases.
You know when BladeRunner was first released in the summer of ‘82 it didn’t come to Vicksburg Ms at all.
When “Blade Runner” opened it back on 06/25/82 it opened on 1295 screens for $6,150,002 and was number 2 after “ET” that weekend. Warner added more screens the next week for a total of 1325 screens and a take of $5,312,317, but had a 113.62% drop for number 4 that week. The next week the screen total dropped to 970 for $2,505,551 and a -52.84% drop and 8th place that weekend. By the 6th weekend it dropped to 467 screens. By the 87th day of release it was playing on 174 screens.
That summer had these features playing:
Rocky 3
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Thing
Raiders of the Lost Ark (reissue)
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
That 113.62% drop, should be -13.62% for that week.
I saw most of those on the list. I saw Firefox,ET,Radiers of the Lost Ark.
I can tell you what has been interesting this fall release wise; anti-war Iraq films haven’t been performing to well at all. Rendtion flunked at the box office; as did In the Valley of Ellah. The Kingdom didn’t do to well either. But even Robert Redford’s film the Lion for Lambs performed weak as well. What did it in family films are released too at this time of year. I thought I share that.
I’m going to see LIONS FOR LAMBS this weekend, regardless of box office performance. I don’t listen to critics or box office receipts. I go with my own instinct about a film.
Hey love Movies that’s what I do. I would go see Lions too despite how it performed at the box office.
Besides, a movie with Redford, Streep and Cruise, directed by Redford can’t be all bad. I haven’t seen that much star power in one movie since, I don’t know, THE TOWERING INFERNO?
love movies hate going—– We need to get you out of the HAMPTONS those theaters do suck…Try the GREENPORT THEATER (VERY NICE)
You couldn’t get me out of the Hamptons with a crowbar! Westhampton Beach has been my home every summer for the past 30 years. The Hampton Arts Theatre is perhaps the only intimate, enjoyable neighborhood movie theater I have left in my own world.
So don’t be dissin' it!
I’ve always wanted to see the Hamptons! Bet that theatre is a beautiful one. The one I remember the most is the Joy Theatre which was on Clay street. It had an art deco design. I went to see 2001 there when I was eight years old. Most of the old cinemas around here in vicksburg are here no longer. Now with the old cinema closed due to a business arguement between CBL Associates and Village Entertainment there is no cinema.
I know what u mean about starpower. I saw the film Invasion back in the late summer. Though it failed at the box office I like the fact that it still carried the body snatcher theme. I watched the ‘78 remake on dvd and it had a lot of humor in it too.
Im not dissin it ..the hampton arts twin was one of my theaters when i was a dm …Its an ok theater not a theatrer of choice for some one who hates going…its a strange pic…
Long Island I was reading UA in front of Southhampton. Makes me think United Artist. The same chain that had the UA cinema here over twenty years ago. It was a four plex screen called the United Artist 4 cinema or something like that. When the old mall cinema opened it closed and was torned down four of five years ago.
The UA southhampton is still open with 4 screens as per cinema treasures.Not sure wich theater you mean/
Beside high ticket prices which kills a cinema,here’s another factor. Crime. On the local bullinten board some of the locals are relating thier own bad experinces with the old mall cinema. One couple they were threatened by a black youngster; crime has been prevelant in Pemberton Mall as well. But the crime scared them back to thier home where they rent dvds now. I don’t blame them.
In Ridgeland where the Northpark 14 is and in Clinton where the Clinotn 14 is,they’ve been faced with the samething. Now one afternoon when I came out of the Clinton Cinema 14 the Clinton Police were out in force. As for the Pemberon Mall Cinema when it was opened no security nor local police to protect the public.I bet crime in the ccinmea has bee a big facto too.
Crime is one of the biggest issues for patrons..When they come out of the theater at night they want to feel (and be ) safe!
Look at what happened at the Metreon this past weekend. Some kid got fatally shot in the lobby outside the theater on a sunday night at 7 p.m. and the police were too late to stop the killer, just arrest him. Another popular target for criminals to go to are older multiplexes like the Loews/Sony/AMC in wayne as well as East Hanover. Things such as stolen posters, ripped seats, graffiti in the lobby, that sucks. It’s time for Homeland Security to impose some rules on the box office, besides just airplanes and shopping centers. Mr Bush, are you listening to this? Either him or the next president could improve security at our cinema treasures. This is another reason why fewer people choose going to a movie and renting it in the safety of their own home.
Justin real good point. Here’s another crime that took place in Pemberton Mall here in Vicksburg Ms involving the old closed Mall cinema. One month before the Pemberton Cinema 4 closed theives used the cinema to break in. The crime took place at 530am; they used the cinema to gain access into the mall. The thieves exploited this to go to the local electronic store EB to steal 5 Xboxes 360s. Brand new models.
Also it was partly a crime among the black employees who were employed by Village Entertainment that forced its closing. You see CBL charges high rent and leases on thier property. When more than one store closes in a mall becomes more and more of a criminal envoriment.
Justin…Tell me what does Homeland Security have to do with movie theater safety?
my bad…homeland security wouldn’t be allowed at the movies, just airports and shipyards where travel is a concern.
Justin, glad you understand. I enjoy reading your posts
thanks. btw, attendance at the movies was down by double digits this past weekend from a year ago not only because of the increase in ticket price, but a lack of really good movies.
lack of good movies…isn’t that the true…Although I did see Fred Claus..kinda liked that one.
beowulf was soso, but american gangster was great.
Justin another good point.
I beleive that low attendance and bad movies is what causes the Pemberton Mall Cinema 4 demise. U know its two owners Regel Entertainment Group and then Village Entertainement would run movie trailers of movies that never ran on thier opening dates? It happened. Another fault that could be made against both is this: why wasn’t a new box cinema built? I mean Clinton which is 30 miles away has one. I’ve been going to it and it has class.
I believe Regel missued the boat with the unexpected shift of their teenage market mostly white to the metro urban cinemas just an interstate away. Now when Village Entertainment took over they badly mistreated the property and didn’t a renew marketing research on the why say attendance is down on a Saturday Afternoon. But both catered to the black audiences in the market too much.
By the I saw Beowulf yesterday too.
GOD were do you people live???????????
Bsns is up 5% OVER LAST YEAR——THATS TICKETS NOT MONEY——You cant go week to week ..
Do any of you own or work in theaters??
Now I don’t work in the industry but I’m a real big film buff. I worked as an extra in Oh Brother where art thou? By the way the films several of them didn’t open here in the southeast. Like Into the WIld and Vicksburg is still with out cinema and the locals are getting restless.
Into T he wild is agreat movie one to see…..
Ceaser were is Vicksburg?? You are welcome to come see it at my theater anytime!
it’s in missisippi.
Vicksburg is in Mississippi. It’s along the Mississippi River and as of last year it lost it’s only cinema!
that sucks….my town lost its theater for nearly five years before getting a newer one…that is AMC’s rockway location. The original was two theaters, each with six screens and located in and out of the mall. It was closed during the summer 2002 box office and was relaunched in the fall of 2006 to compete against the improved Parsippany and Succasunna theaters that were ruling box office profits in Morris County. AMC I think is number 1, with Parsippany and Succasunna in second and third.
When that happen Justin u know what I did? I joined this board and I got the real story out how its closed. U see Pemberton Cinema 4 was a multiplex mall cinema which never got any improvements. No new projectors the previous owners Village Entertainment didn’t take care of it and since they refused to pay the high rent to CBL Associates. Now the closing happened around christmas time which was a bad time to close in my opinion.
Now the original owners were Regel Entertainment Group and they didn’t even go out of the way to build a new box cinema. Now Clinton which is 30 miles away has one—a real clean and classy one I might add. Now why didn’t Regel build one here? Why didn’t they follow the trends here?
I don’t work in the industry but sometimes I wish I did. But I can tell you since I’d joined this board I’ve learned alot. U see the cinem closed I did my own research,especially on Village Entertaiment of Valiparso,Indiana. They had a real lousy website and I learned on this board that their webmaster left. Here’s another fact about the company. On thier website they didn’t have links on thier corporate history; nor thier other links for investor relations to look into. The only links they had was on thier cinemas in the midwest. Real suspious.
In the late 60’s, adult admission was $1.25, kids were 75c at my local theatre in New Orleans. Minimum wage was $1.00.
Popcorn was 10c & 15c. Soda was 10c, 15c & 25c. Now, admission is more than double of minimum wage, and the last time I went, 2 popcorns, 2 drinks & one candy was over $20.00.
With the current state of the economy, it would be impossible for someone who works for say $8.00 or $9.00 an hour to pay these prices at a theatre on a regular basis, which means…high prices have hurt the theatre business.
I do believe if a major theatre chain would drop concession prices considerably, and advertise this fact, they would make more money by selling volume. Now, it’s so expensive, many people have the habit of eating before and or after the movie.
Point well taken Mike…I have been to many a movie theater where prices on concessions were much cheaper and they always had a line. Those theaters were owned by independents and not chains.
Re: previous posts about “The Fatherland Security Dept”: At the end of the movie “Into The Wild” -in the credits, it has “Made with the cooperation of The Homeland Security Dept.” WTF is “Homeland” (is that what was once called “The United States of America”) and WTF does it have to do with movies?
Der Homeland! Is “The Homeland” now the land of the free and the home of the brave where people saw buildings exploding on 9/11 and call it, oh, I don’t know…“buildings exploding” or is it somewhere in Germany in 1933 where people had their heads up their asses?