The links for the before and after renovation photos are all dead. But I added a photo that appears to be before. The horizontal sign above the box office and marquee overhang appear to be the same.
Wow. I’m pretty dialed into the classic car community, and I hadn’t even heard of this. Must have been piss poor promotion in advance. My buddy has the replica Graffiti Deuce Coupe. He could have been hired to park out front. Even Candy still does personal appearances with enough notice. (Music Box would have probably had both.) The big Eli’s show was out on Forest Preserve Drive today too. So they were never gonna siphon off that crowd. Sounds like they just didn’t know what they were doing. Thanks for the heads up.
You would have to copy and paste it into your browser, starting from the end of the link so my sentence above it doesn’t highlight.
Or just scroll back to 08/06/07 in the comments, and click on the link HowardBHass posted originally that says Behind The Gap.
Just added a 1938 photo. The “Ain’t There (dere) No More – New Orleans” FB page I got it from, had comments that said that author Anne Rice bought it in the `90’s. With intentions of making it into a dinner theatre. It apparently is an Oriental Rug store today. She also supposedly bought a church at Prytania & 3rd Street, which she also sold.
Drove by today and saw the red & white Public Notice on the door. Then saw a post on the Chicago Theatre Preservation Alliance Facebook page, that included the below link. The BelPark will be the new home of Chicago Tabernacle. The same folks who originally wanted the Portage Theatre. So good news all around, with both now being saved.
Just added a 1927 print ad courtesy of Mike Flores. Note A.H. Blank’s name.
Pacific Drive-In print ad or matchbook cover added to Photos Section.
FYI. A candidate for 11th Ward Alderman is making her announcement tonight in front of the Ramova Theater.
Here is an article on a current exhibit on the Y&W. Copy and paste the link, or search “ Y&W drive-in”.
Just added a screen shot from “Driving Miss Daisy”. The Variety Playhouse in the background. The 7 Stages Theatre is mocked up as the Rialto.
Just added a screen shot from “Driving Miss Daisy” with the 7 Stages mocked up as the Rialto. The Variety Playhouse is just beyond it.
Fire at Stivers Lincoln-Mercury 1956 (University City Public Library photo)just added. Via the Vintage St. Louis Facebook page.
Circa 1950 photo added.
The links for the before and after renovation photos are all dead. But I added a photo that appears to be before. The horizontal sign above the box office and marquee overhang appear to be the same.
Duplicate, Admins. please remove.
Wow. I’m pretty dialed into the classic car community, and I hadn’t even heard of this. Must have been piss poor promotion in advance. My buddy has the replica Graffiti Deuce Coupe. He could have been hired to park out front. Even Candy still does personal appearances with enough notice. (Music Box would have probably had both.) The big Eli’s show was out on Forest Preserve Drive today too. So they were never gonna siphon off that crowd. Sounds like they just didn’t know what they were doing. Thanks for the heads up.
You would have to copy and paste it into your browser, starting from the end of the link so my sentence above it doesn’t highlight. Or just scroll back to 08/06/07 in the comments, and click on the link HowardBHass posted originally that says Behind The Gap.
This link was posted back in 2007. It has photo’s of the dormant balcony area.
Correction, 1930’s.
Just added a number of newspaper clippings, some with photos courtesy of Karen Eifler via the “I was in Boulder, CO in the 70’s” Facebook page.
1986 marquee photo added.
Just added a 1917 photo.
Just added a 1938 photo. The “Ain’t There (dere) No More – New Orleans” FB page I got it from, had comments that said that author Anne Rice bought it in the `90’s. With intentions of making it into a dinner theatre. It apparently is an Oriental Rug store today. She also supposedly bought a church at Prytania & 3rd Street, which she also sold.
Just added a circa 1941/`42 photo.
Just added a 1864 photo.
Just added a 1939 photo.
Found and added a crisper copy of the 1910 photo courtesy of Art Barcenas via the Retrun to Old Delray, Old Detroit Facebook page.
Via Mike Stillman.
I think the wooden structure that supported the proscenium arch is still visible, against the back wall of the former theatre.
Back of stage house from Broadway.
Drove by today and saw the red & white Public Notice on the door. Then saw a post on the Chicago Theatre Preservation Alliance Facebook page, that included the below link. The BelPark will be the new home of Chicago Tabernacle. The same folks who originally wanted the Portage Theatre. So good news all around, with both now being saved.