Zebra drive-in Pine Bluff Concession interior

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Tiny whorton

Featured Theater

Zebra Drive-In

Zebra Drive-In

Pine Bluff, AR

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Uploaded on: May 10, 2016

Size: 555.8 KB

Views: 2,734


Zebra drive-in Pine Bluff  Concession interior

A view from the Concession stand at the Zebra drive-in. This was one of several photographs rescued from the dumpster of Commonwealth theatres Midwest City, Ok district office before they were sold and liquidated in 87 IIRC

American Institute of Drive-in Archaeology

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Comments (2)

shetland1954pony commented about Zebra drive-in Pine Bluff Concession interior on May 10, 2016 at 11:35 am

Works cannot express how I feel seeing these old pictures of the Zebra Drive-In in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. I would simply say, many thanks to the person who uploaded them. I worked at the Zebra Drive-In in 1954 and 1955.

shetland1954pony commented about Zebra drive-in Pine Bluff Concession interior on May 10, 2016 at 11:37 am

I also remember the Pines Drive-In as well. I never worked there but went there many times.

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