Globe Theatre

614 Canal Street,
New Orleans, LA 70130

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Previously operated by: Saenger Amusement Company

Styles: Beaux-Arts

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Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre, with its stately Beaux-Arts style façade of white terra-cotta opened December 24, 1916 with Clara Kimball Young in “The Common Law”. It was built for and operated by Herman Fichtenberg who became part of the the Saenger Amusement Company. It stood on Canal Street next to the larger and older Tudor Theatre, also operated by the Saenger Amusement Company. The Globe Theatre was still open in 1956, but had closed by 1957 and was demolished.

Contributed by Bryan

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ArthurHardy on June 11, 2010 at 8:34 pm

Announcing a book about New Orleans Movie Theaters

The History of the Neighborhood Theaters in New Orleans
is being written by 89-year-old Rene Brunet, the dean of the motion picture industry in Louisiana, and New Orleans historian and preservationist Jack Stewart. The 160-page,coffee table book will be released in November and is being published by Arthur Hardy Enterprises, Inc. Attention will be focused on 50 major neighborhood and downtown theaters, culled from a list of nearly 250 that have dotted the cityâ€\s landscape since the first “nickelodeon” opened in 1896 at 626 Canal Street. The book will be divided by neighborhoods and will open with a map and a narrative about each area. Each major theater will feature “then and now” photographs, historic information, and a short series of quotes from famous New Orleanians and from regular citizens who will share their recollections.
We are trying to acquire memorabilia and additional photos of this theater for this publication. (deadline July 1.) You will be credited in the book and receive a free autographed copy if we publish the picture that you supply. Please contact Arthur Hardy at or call 504-913-1563 if you can help.

rivest266 on August 10, 2011 at 8:44 pm

Grand opening ad from December 24th, 1916 has been uploaded in the photo department of this page.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on August 2, 2021 at 6:55 am

The Globe Theatre was originally opened by Herman Fichtenberg, whose theater chain merged with the smaller Saenger chain in 1917. Fichtenberg was actually the largest single shareholder in the new Saenger Amusements Company, but the two Saenger brothers each owned slightly more than half as much stock as Fichtenerg and so together had the larger stake. The February 3, 1917 issue of The Moving Picture World ran this item about the Globe:

“Recently another Fichtenberg house was opened in New Orleans, the Globe being added to the Dreamland, Alamo, Picto and Plaza. To celebrate the opening a four-page special supplement was gotten out by one of the Sunday papers. There was plenty about the house and a lot of advertising from those who had supplied material for the building. The sheet has red ink ears and tabbed ‘Fichtenberg Section’ and there is more stuff in the regular motion picture section.”
The Globe’s neighbor, the Tudor Theatre, was originally owned by Fichtenberg’s principal competitor in the New Orleans market, J. Eugene Pearce.

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