Comments from umbaba

Showing 1 - 25 of 206 comments

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Sep 4, 2009 at 8:12 am

Nelson and Pete back in action….a great way to start the Fall. Welcome back, can’t wait!!!

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Jun 14, 2009 at 11:06 am

EXCELLENT PRINT and presentation of “BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID”. I look forward to Lafayette’s Fall schedule.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 31, 2009 at 8:25 am

EXCELLENT Presentation of “Annie Hall” yesterday….the curtain is fixed….excellent print and presentation..

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 7:25 am

I now wonder if Aldo was the father who let his son ramble on. Aldo’s comments now are actually funny, since everyone who knows me would laugh as well since I am notorious for approaching rude people in a movie theater and politely telling them that their actions are disturbing. At the Lafayette, the problems are with the seniors. Many times, they talk over every scene or their cell goes off and they start gabbing, I have approached those as well (many times). The father and son (in question) I wasn’t so polite with, since they were inconsiderate of everyone else, so I just gave a loud SHHHH, to which the little boy was doing the same through the movie. Once again , he was a little boy and the father could not control him at all and let him do his thing to the disruption of others. It seems he brought him to “Rocky” figuring the boy would like it but the movie moved too slow and had too much character and story (sorry Aldo) for the boy to understand. That being said, there’s always going to be rude people and YES, sometimes if you do confront people, they act the opposite and get very combative. The fact that the movie was either out of focus or framed wrong didn’t help matters or enhance enjoyment of the film. This was the first time ever I DID NOT enjoy “Rocky” (unlike Aldo who always seems to hate it…) Hey Aldo, if you’re going to be at “Annie Hall” next week, go to your seat and start being rude, I’d find you, I’d get out of my seat go to you and politely ask you to be considerate, then shake your hand and say “Great to meet you Aldo” (hopefully you wouldn’t be rude in which case any question about my “internet attitude and daily operating persona” would be answered. ) But it’s cool Aldo, you’re actually funny!

I’m curious Aldo, how would you have handled the situation as YOU seem to display quite an arrogant attitude toward things as you have displayed here. You put down people for liking “Rocky”? Humor me, off the cuff, what are your top 10 “cinema” favorites of ALL-TIME??

BTW….Lafayette should have a sequel series and open with “Rocky II”, probably the greatest movie-going experience I ever had in 1979 and then follow it with “Stop or My Mom Will Shoot” with guest speaker, Aldo (I’d be there for that).

Thanks for the Rocky’s Sly!!! “NUTS” to you Aldo!! Sorry, just having “internet attitude” again !!

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 11:27 am

Agree with you 100% Howard and my apologies as to my lack of civility. I was just a little rowled at Aldo’s commentary, if you read it where I should have just wrote it off….that’s what happens when you get to the forum before that morning coffee. And I don’t know why people took my “high school' comment as a put down of ALL high schoolers. In theaters today, hose are the main employees and they do what they’re told by their "managers” so maybe I should get on them, cause whenever there’s a problem at a theater the kids echo what their mgrs. tell them….anyone ever go to the Clairidge in Montclair or the Clifton Commons or Loews?

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 8:12 am

Thanks for the input Aldo…I was waiting for when an “idiot” finally got on this forum…I guess the wait os over…you’re it!!!…you’re probably the one working the projector. I assume one of your favorite movies of all-time is “Transformers”. Great news pal, there’s a sequel coming soon and maybe the Lafayette will get it.

BTW….tell me what you didn’t like about “Rocky”, can’t wait.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 23, 2009 at 2:27 pm

“Rocky”, one of my ALL-TIME favorites and one of the WORST movie experiences EVER!!! You dropped the ball on this one Lafayette. Firstly, the movie begins, the framing is off, and the projectionist takes a while to get it right. Then , and most important, The movie is out of focus for the ENTIRE first half of the picture. I went to complain and the high school kid behind the counter gives me the STOCK answer I’m sure he tells all the seniors..“it’s the print”. Instead of setting him straight, as my first job was at a movie theater, I’m 30 years older than he and have forgotten more about movies than he or the high school staff working that day will ever know, instead of arguing, I go back to my seat seething…it’s NOT the print. Actually, the print was good, not much scratches etc. At one point, the focus ring moves and the focus is taken care of. What I’ve noticed the past few movies, is it’s dark . The projectionist is not giving the lamp enough juice, they’re cutting back. But, I’m probably wrong and “it’s the print”. The audio is cranked up, no equalization and it kills the ears.

Then, during a reel change, the framing goes off (again) The projectionist doesn’t move the framing down enough so the whole rest of the picture shows full body with all the heads cut off at the top. The projectionist didn’t have the sense to see and make the adjustment. But, I’m sure it was “the print” as well

I’m assuming this being Memorial day that the real projectionist took off and the people working Rocky were not the “A” team?

This is not a way to build a series and get people to come. I think for “Annie Hall” you might get a dozen or so. I’m not coming to that one based on today. I could NOT enjoy “Rocky” at all. All the projectionist goofs took away from the movie completely. It didn’t help that some father and his kid were talking through the whole film as the dad thought the kid would like Rocky, he didn’t, plus the kid was a pain and BOTH were inconsiderate to all around them.

It was the first tiime in my life I couldn’t wait for “Rocky” to end. “It was the print”….right! So, yes, Pete and Nelson…you WERE missed today!!

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 17, 2009 at 10:16 am

OK…I think this series is a good thing. Let’s give credit to the powers that be for getting a film festival up and running. Which is what I think the thought process is behind it. I’ll assume that they’re planning out the next one with more thought and with more emphasis on older classics. There wasn’t much time to plan and I applaud the lafayette for at least getting us some great movies to be shown. The seniors will get over it. At least there’s a series. With time and planning and YES, definitely advertising, the series will take off again…GOOD JOB THAT WILL ONLY GET BETTER…LOOK FORWARD TO “ Rocky”

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 10, 2009 at 8:56 am

Midnight Cowboy, excellent stereo sound print. Clean and sharp. So far so good. The Lafayette series has been a winner. I hope this series takes off and is the start of many to come. Network and Rocky are next. I think Rocky will go over big as well.

Great job Lafayette!!!

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 3, 2009 at 3:18 pm

No it wasn’t me , it was a guy sitting down front a few rows ahead. People were gabbing through the whole movie and there was alot of ssshhhing going on, along with alot of cell-phones going off.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Apr 26, 2009 at 3:34 pm

Great presentation of West Side Story….fine print…even though it was mono sound…so’s how it was when it went to local theaters when it came out….I just wish there would be announcement before the movie telling the elderly to not talk all through the picture…there was alot of that..

I look forward to the rest of the series…Thomas Crown next week, Network , Rocky, Midnight Cowboy,,,,yes, with the warm weather people opted to stay home but that’s with all movies…

Great job Lafayette…hey, how bout some flyers at the front door so we know what’s coming up???

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Apr 11, 2009 at 2:25 pm

Today’s screening of “MARTY” is proof that the Lafayette is still in action. While it wasn’t the biggest crowd, I believe that this Bigscreen Classic series could grow from movie to movie. What they have to do is, set up an email list and set up a web page to advertise the series. People won’t come if they don’t know about it.

The print of MARTY was very good. The audience response was great. It made it very enjoyable. My only complaint is that the projectionist closed the curtain and stopped the movie after the title of THE END. Marty has curtain call credits which featured the cast and the song, but was cut off. I assume the projectionist wanted to impress with the curtain closing. He did, but cut the movie before it was complete.

There was however, a certain ambience that was missing from the screening. Upon entering the theater, it was dark, there was nothing in the lobby, no flyers and obviously no Nelson. However, we were all informed that next week, Jeff Barker will be there at the organ again. I hope this becomes a mainstay. The Lafayette seems under a lot of pressure to gain patrons to stay in business. I do hope word spreads of the series so that others may take place.

Question: Why isn’t Pete a part of this….was he partnered with Nelson???..

Anyway, great screening, great print, great movie. Hope it’s just the beginning

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 28, 2009 at 8:11 am

There’s an old saying…“You can’t please everybody”..while these films are adult, they are also classics. Raging Bull is now considered an oldie. It is ranked in the top 10 AFI Greatest American Films. If the elderly are put off by the cursing, well, so be it. I think showing these films is a good thing, it’s a change. Wouldn’t it be great if this series takes off, to see a “Godfather” weekend or “Apocalypse Now” on the Lafayette screen. Even classics like Elmer Gantry and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolfe. These aren’t movies the seniors haven’t heard of, they probably have seen them all. Give them the benefit of the doubt. My main concern is the quality of prints and show. I think that might turn people off. “Marty” will be the test. It’s a full screen movie. Will the projectionist use the correct lens and screen it at 1:33 or stretch it out to 1:85.

My first job was at a movie theater (Clifton Theater). When we showed “King Kong” in ‘76 a couple elderly seniors were yelling because of Jessica Lange in the shower scene. Once again, you can’t please everyone.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 22, 2009 at 12:05 pm

I’m rooting for the series to succeed although , yes, it will be lacking without Pete and Nelson’s showmanship. However, I hope the people in charge now do their best to make this new series grow. I also suggest a web campaign to advertise or mass emails to old customers.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Mar 21, 2009 at 8:33 am

I’m delighted that movies are returning to the Lafayette and I WILL be there. I am wondering however, since it seems to be run with new people, what will the prints be like? Pete always scored the best prints. I guess we’ll soon see. Will there be a speaker presenting these films (a la Nelson?) will there be a pre-show on the organ, will the curtain be opened and closed at the proper times?? The presentation, is the next step.

AS for the titles, yes, many are NOT family friendly (although I think Rocky will pack em in) but perhaps this is a new trend. I'
m sure there will be bumps along the way, but I hope “this is the beginning of a beautiful frendship”

umbaba commented about Montauk Theatre on Mar 7, 2009 at 8:14 am

Look forward to the interior pictures. Growing up in the 70’s, I was never inside as by that time they were only playing porn but I was always interested on th interior design of the theater. I bet it was something back in the day. Thanks Mikey

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 21, 2009 at 9:57 am

Unfortunately Peter, there will be many who think like T228 and myself. Why drive to the Lafayette to see a movie that’s a few minutes from home. Do you really think many are going to take the extra hike to see “Marley and Me” just because it’s at the Lafayette? The allure of Bigscreen classics was spending a Saturday morning in a comfortable theater, with an old time feel and watching a good print of a “CLASSIC” movie on a big screen. Saturday mornings were something to look forward too. I’m willing to bet that at the Lafayette, there will just be some kid who flicks the switch on the projector and walk away. Nelson made the Lafayette like old time movie theater that’s not done anywhere (I always thought he was the owner of the Lafayette so I’m still surprised how all this transpired, it sound slike a bad business deal frankly)

I once again echo T228 sentiments about having the new series at a triplex, on a work night at 8PM and having to come home and trek thru traffic. I have the feeling that the new series isn’t going to be as successful as you think it might be (I hope I’m wrong). Perhaps if you had a Saturday morning there as well. Things have to change and it stinks the way they are and I’m feeling for all the seniors who looked forward to Saturday mornings at the Lafayette and probably never attend a movie anywhere else. Whoever made the business deals certainly robbed many of a good time and lessened the allure of Suffern NJ from outsiders like me. The last movie I saw at the Lafayette was “Philadelphia Story”. I leave it at that.

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 16, 2009 at 8:01 am

I applaud all of you who will continue patronizing the great Lafayette theater. I guess I’m just still bummed out as I was waiting to hear the Spring line-up and looking forward to the next set of Saturday morning classics at the Lafayette. It was like a haven that I knew was always reliable. But like all good things…they must come to an end. Getting hit in the face with a new venue and on Wed. night no less was like a shot to the head. I hope the Lafayette eventually comes back to the classics business with Pete and Nelson…but I have such a low opinion of businessmen. It’s all about the bottom line dollar and eventually, a single screen theater that’s not making alot of money will work against it. Also the fact that there’s not much special programs happening and n press as well, the theater will be of other uses. Even if it is a landmark.

Question: What has been te reaction of the town, all the patrons who frequent it and all those politicians who were supporting the programming every week. Have they made any noise about this?

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 15, 2009 at 9:06 am

While the Lafayette is still in business..I don’t see the point of going to see a first run movie there when I can go closer. The allure of the Lafayette and the BigScreen classic series was the experience of seeing an old classic, reliving it or experiencing it new, complete with pre-show organ (BTW…is Jeff out of a job?), curtain opening and an old classic on a big screen in a classic theater. There’s a big difference between seeing “The Philadelphia Story” in a classic theater than “Marley and Me”. It will just be a theater that will play first-run movies like all the others, without the classic film series which adorned the front posters of the theater, as well as all the special film series and events. Pete and Nelson made the use of the theater special for he town and patrons , people who love movies and the experience of what movie going used to be. I truly doubt the management will take any special pains to use the theater other than just flicking the switch of the projector. I bet the curtain will just remain open as well.

Unfortunately , while I applaud the series continuing, it won’t have the movie theayer experience that the Lafayette had (sorry to be negative) I’m surprised there isn’t more outrage posted here….maybe the news is slow coming.

umbaba commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Feb 14, 2009 at 9:35 am

With the Lafayette theater in Suffern no longer doing the BigScreen classic series, we’ll have to rely on whenever the Ziegfeld does theirs….will therte be another one??

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 14, 2009 at 9:30 am

It sounds like business, the kind of business that killed single screen movie theaters in the first place. It sounds as if Nelson’s “partners” have no clue or feel for what he (Nelson) and Pete have accomplished in the past 6 years. They started with a bad print of “It Happened One Night” with old screen and projector equipment in a dank dark theater and turned it into the best programming on the east coast by purchasing a new screen and scoring top prints of great movies, not to mention the list of movies they aquired each season. I myself have watched small crowds turn into big ones each Saturday morning. Pete and Nelson gave many (especially myself) something to look forward to every Saturday. It wasn’t just the movies, but the feel of the Lafayette, the grandness, Jeff at the Organ: the presentation, the curtain, the crowd, then the movie. That’s all gone now. This past season I remember Nelson saying they were planning some Paul Newman movies for the next BigScreen classics in the Spring. Already , I was thinking “Cool Hand Luke” at the Lafayette.

It was a good run, but now it’s over. Sorry, but I’m extremely saddened by this. My Saturday’s won’t be the same as now I have to trek in to NYC for the Film Forum. The Loew’s in Jersey City doesn’t have great line-ups plus they start their programs too late. I don’t know why they don’t have morning programs. I hate to say it, but Wednesday nights at the Cedar lanes are not the same as relaxed Saturday morning’s at the Lafayette. And if Nelson’s partners are no longer interested in Nelson’s showmanship then it sounds as if the Lafayette is either headed towards splitting into a multi screen horror to make more money or for the wrecking ball. The Lafayette will just be another movie theater that eventually will not be special enough and the “partners” will liquidate for cash.

Shame on Suffern and all those politicians who held up the screenings by taking the stage and spouting how great the Lafayette is and the praise for Nelson they gave. What’s their voice in all this? It sounds like business gone wrong.Even though Pete and Nelson are moving forward to the next series I don’t believe they are happy about this at all. They can’t be after all the work, passion and heart they put into what they did at the Lafayette. Excuse my expression but this all just SUCKS !!!

umbaba commented about Lafayette Theatre on Feb 13, 2009 at 8:45 am

I can’t believe the message I received this morning. NO MORE Bigscreen classics at the Lafayette?? WHY?? Why ruin a good thing? Now it’s going to be held at the Cedar Lanes triplex in Teaneck on Wednesday nights at 8pm. Who will attend that? NOT ME. I get home from work, I’m exhausted, I’m not travelling the roads at night for an 8pm show in Teaneck.

The Lafayette shows on Saturday morning were something I always looked forward to. It was my haven and I think I speak for others as well. Did Nelson sell the theater? Was it politics?

I’m crushed, truly crushed and disaponted. You lost a patron.

umbaba commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Apr 1, 2006 at 5:23 am

You know I agree that everyone needs to “calm down”. I’ve been going to the BigScreen Classics at the Lafayette since it started. They had many kinks to work out from the first showing, but in time, it formed to be the great series it is today. I for one was ecxtatic to see “Ben-Hur” on that big screen..I’m hoping and betting that if Ziegfeld does this series again (I HOPE) they will work the kinks out , plan it more and make the next one bigger and better.

umbaba commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on Feb 21, 2006 at 5:18 am

I was at the screenings of “Ben-Hur” and “Braveheart” yesterday.

While I absolutely agree with all the “nitpicking” about the intermission, curtain cues, film stock etc (as the people in this site are old school movie going lovers as myself), I was absolutely overjoyed at the print of Ben – Hur. The stereo sound was outstandingbut seeing the film on a large screen was awesome. I had seen it in 2005 at the AMC 25 on 42nd st…they played it on their smallest screen and the people who worked there kept screwing up (lights were on, film lost frame etc) …but seeing it on a small screen was criminal…although i was glad just to see it in the movies…BUT..yesterday topped them all….also, no mention has been made of “Braveheart”…absolutely great print, clean, great sound (OK…a nitpick…a jump cut at the end…but I can live with it)…I talked with Monique (the theater manager) she was extremely nice and I told her what a good thing this festival is..

So….look, they get the prints they get…yes, it would be great if they were checked…but maybe that’s the print they got…I doubt there are many new prints struck of Ben-Hur etc. After being on this site for a couple of years now, on all the theaters…it always seemed that our dream of a film festival at the Ziegfeld was just a “pipedream”…but now….we got it…it seems that someone has listened to us..and this could be the start of something big….so, let’s not sweat the small stuff guys (sorry, don’t mean to preach) but, there I was sitting in the Ziegfeld yesterday, watching a double feature of “Ben-Hur' and "Braveheart”…whod’ve thought

umbaba commented about Montauk Theatre on Feb 18, 2006 at 6:16 am

I remember the match was for the then..WWWF..main event…Ivan Putski vs. Tor Kamata…Putski was drunk off his seemed…it wasn’t a big house..and there were seats on the stage for ringside…wish I saw movies there. Many concerts were held there in the 70’s.