Comments from CaptainBlood

Showing 7 comments

CaptainBlood commented about Miracle Theatre on Dec 30, 2003 at 7:33 am

Who cares, Tarantino is evil. Not even cool. Now really, would you turn your back on this guy. Or want him dating your sister or your pet for that matter. He’s really a special fella and boy can he attract the no talent film students and the followers you know people that just follow. Dose anybody with a brain think that Bruce Willis and john travolta had nothing to do with Pulp Fiction? How come they stayed hot while Quentin (Mr. Handsom) fell off the face of the earth. That sucker tried everything to stay A list. I guess time will tell. Anybody remember Oliver Stone?

CaptainBlood commented about Village Theater Orange on Dec 30, 2003 at 7:15 am

Hi Sister Skyles.

CaptainBlood commented about Village Theater Orange on Dec 30, 2003 at 7:12 am

What do ya mean. Captain Blood never sleeps. Yes Yes Yes to all your questions Robert. Call me @ 714-579-SHOW or give Jerimiah a call at the theatre 714-744-8095 and work out the details. You are why we reopened the theatre in the first place. Is'nt this site handy?
Enjoy the show, Captain Blood.

CaptainBlood commented about Cinedome Theatres on Dec 30, 2003 at 7:02 am

I grew up in this theatre. Boy was it great on a opening night.
Empire Stikes back just after midnight, Raiders of the lost arc, Walter Hills Streets of fire, The helicopters and Jim Morrison in F.F.C. Appocolips Now. Remember the credits were handed out in the lobby. There was none on the film. I still have mine.
I have film of the giant crowds, Exit polls for my favorite films. I also have film of the domes coming down, very sad day. Especially since I offered to keep it open as one of my theatres. I built a theatre just 4.6 miles away that basically is a tribute to the domes. Captain Bloods Village Theatre in Orange Ca. 714-808-0400 Go find the suviners I grab and placed all over my theatre. You’ll have to search for them but they are there. So are treasures from 7 other theatres that closed in Orange County over the last ten years.
See ya and enjoy the show, Captain Blood.

CaptainBlood commented about Welcome to the new Cinema Treasures site! on Dec 30, 2003 at 6:28 am

This centuries #1 art form, like it or not, is the feature film. How nice to see people that truly love not only movies but the theatres that give them life. You guys and this site are Five Stars.***** In a very few places left on earth we can buy a ticket and sneak into a beautifully dark and mysterious place. Your favorite movie Theatre. The best one on earth is Captain Bloods 1140 N.Tustin Ave. Orange Calif. 92866
Like the good job you guys are doing with this site. It would'nt do the theatre justice to tell you why and how it is differ'nt than all the rest of the theatres around, you would just have to experience it for yourself. Thats why I built it. Enjoy the show and thanks. Captain Blood

CaptainBlood commented about Theater For Sale? on Dec 30, 2003 at 6:06 am

That sucks Paul. They should be helping you, not chasing you out. What ever happened to the American dream? Good luck in real estate. Out here in Calif. my house is making more money than my theatres. Maybe Govn. Arnold will help. He should be favorable to this industry. We will see…

Captain Blood

CaptainBlood commented about Theater For Sale? on Dec 21, 2003 at 12:27 am

If you don’t mind being a janitor, getting ripped off by some of the people you hire and told by the studios that your working so hard for that you just don’t #%$&ing matter and they could'nt care less about you. Then by all means go into debt possibly for life and maybe even lose your love of sitting down to a great movie. Because if you own a theatre or even just run one. You will never be able to (just) watch a movie again.
If thats not enough just think how nice it is to work with the public. Especially that person that is having one of their bad days, and you just happened into their sights. Trust me, man thats worth that .09 cents you might or might not be making off that sweet moment in your life.
All your great ideas….You’ll find out why no theatres do them, but you’ll get alot of people tell you what YOU should do, and when you do it…they won’t even come.
P.S.Wait till you suffer through all that, and are a sucsess. You become a slave to your insurance company, workmens comp ins. and the gov’t. They (uncle sam) will NET over 13% off your Theatre and Regal the #1 Theatre Chain in the country. Nets 4%. Finally there is the Lawyers and their pretend clients. Enjoy the show.
