Comments from Roland L.

Showing 1 - 25 of 98 comments

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Nov 18, 2022 at 9:26 am

Thanks for this!

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Sep 23, 2021 at 4:00 pm

I think the current owner did a great service by keeping the facade in place. Took great care to preserve the look.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Oct 23, 2009 at 10:47 pm

It’s baaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!!!

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Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Majestic Theatre on May 20, 2009 at 7:01 pm

A 1956 view of the Majestic’s entrance.

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Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Holiday Cinema on Apr 23, 2009 at 2:30 pm

KenRoe, thank you for guidance. I’ve not been that active lately and I guess I forgot my way!

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Holiday Cinema on Apr 23, 2009 at 8:46 am

I don’t know why, but Cinematreasures won’t let me add a Lafayette Theater to the list.

So, here’s a photo from the 50’s of the Lafayette. I know it is from then because my father took it.

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Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Majestic Theatre on Mar 20, 2009 at 9:11 am

Gerry, I don’t know how to get ahold of you but I came across this video which you might find interesting.

Go here, scroll down and click on the Preview 11:26 link. Let the video run and stop it at 00:09 into the movie. Look at the right to see the BF Keith theater from the 1920s.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Metropolitan Theatre on Nov 9, 2008 at 12:24 pm

Harriet, go to this weblink and type in Temples of Illusions.

About the fifth entry down, click on the library title and it will show you the libraries where you can read this book. You will NOT be able to check it out though but there is a copier available.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Metropolitan Theatre on Nov 9, 2008 at 12:19 pm

Harriet, I found the book at the Pawtucket Library. Go to the second floor and tell them you want Temples of Illusions in the RI Reading room. The day I went, the room was locked and they only let just a couple of people in there at a time because of the sensitive rare collections.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Comedy keeps movie theater owners smiling on Jun 12, 2008 at 12:09 am

I think this is a great idea! But it’s not new at all. When I was a kid, the theater people had local talent coming with animal tricks, mostly dog and cats. In fact, they would use your entrance ticket and raffle off a dog or two, pending parental approval, of course.

Showcase Cinemas is an example of making good use of downtime for the complete lack of interesting and long lived movies from Hollywood. Let’s face it, making movies out of comic book heroes is NOT going to save a fledgling industry.

Bravo to Showcase.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Jun 7, 2008 at 7:30 pm

Here are some photos that I took today to show just how much destruction (renovation?) that is taking place. I’ll go back during the week when I can take closer up photos of the renovations of the interior. I can tell you that this doesn’t look like a renovation, it looks like a total redo.

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Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Roxy Theatre on May 23, 2008 at 10:10 pm

Lost, I think that is what’s called the retro Taco Bell.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Tri-Boro Cinema Closed? on Feb 26, 2008 at 3:15 pm

Is it just me or does anyone feel a pang when seeing a picture of a frequented movie theater in the throes of destruction?

I went there in the late 70’s almost every other week. Man, I am having flashbacks of purchasing my ticket at the outsides window, entering the building and going to the left for the men’s room while my girlfriend went straight away center to purchase the popcorn and drinks.

Sigh, sigh and another sigh.

To be remembered, Tri-Boro and Jim Quinn.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Tri-Boro Cinema Closed? on Feb 7, 2008 at 11:25 pm

Chummer, I host my pictures on and then cut & paste the URL. I see others here post photos with weblink names instead of the entire URL address. I must admit I don’t know the shortened method.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Tri-Boro Cinema Closed? on Feb 7, 2008 at 9:13 pm

Chummer, thanks for the heads up. I didn’t know that this was happening and I will try and stop by to grab some pictures if possible.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Bellevue Theatre on Jan 28, 2008 at 6:43 pm

Well, of all places to get some photo opt. I recently bought a magazine commemorating the soldiers and shipmates from the Pawtucket/Central Falls area.

Keep in mind that it was published in June of 1921. One can then deduce that the Bellevue had to run the very early flickrs and silents.

For the non French among us, the wording reads Compliments of Bellevue Theater, Walter J. Cooper, owner-manager, Dexter Street, Central Falls, RI.

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Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Thanks, mom on Jul 27, 2007 at 7:36 pm

Nope, you are not overreacting to the Disneyfication of American. Please keep in mind that Disney banned smoking in total from all of their resort buildings AND balconies and have designation smoking areas in the parks also.

They take up causes and become champions when it serves their purpose. However, I really don’t understand why they want to Disneyficate movies of smoking. Sadly, Disney has plenty of support from people who want to basically publicly hang smokers just because they smoke.

Didn’t we just hang people because of color as close to us as the 40’s? Like the gang mentallity of the race wars now comes the smoker wants.

America is slowly losing it’s grip on reality and a lot of people have forgotten the original purpose of their cause. Americans are very gullible and will believe the latest health scare. I’ve actually had ignorant people chastise me because I drank water out of the tap. Holy cow!!! I was almost publicly hanged for not buying bottled water. Oh yeah, now it comes out that 40% of bottled water comes from city water which is tapped water.

Be careful America…pretty soon going to the movies will be hiding under a blanket with a flashlight and the Sears catalog.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Mar 13, 2007 at 2:05 pm

Okay, looks like it is still a go as it is now GOING!

Taken from my ISP online newspage.

Park Cinema Renovations Underway
03-13-2007 11:41 AM

(Cranston, RI) — Renovations at the Park Cinema in Cranston are finally underway. Beams for the planned addition arrived last week as did a refurbished portion of the 1920s-era stage. Crews are hard at work and city officials tell the “Providence Journal,” final work is scheduled for the end of July. When complete, the downtown building will contain the cinema, an upscale Mediterranean-style restaurant and gourmet coffee shop.<

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Park Theatre on Mar 13, 2007 at 2:04 pm

Okay, looks like it is still a go as it is now GOING!

Taken from my ISP online newspage.

Park Cinema Renovations Underway
03-13-2007 11:41 AM

(Cranston, RI) — Renovations at the Park Cinema in Cranston are finally underway. Beams for the planned addition arrived last week as did a refurbished portion of the 1920s-era stage. Crews are hard at work and city officials tell the “Providence Journal,” final work is scheduled for the end of July. When complete, the downtown building will contain the cinema, an upscale Mediterranean-style restaurant and gourmet coffee shop.<

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Latchis Theatre on Mar 7, 2007 at 5:18 pm

Geo1, could you please look into my profile for my email address and send those pictures you have of the Latchis? I cannot find your contact info in your profile.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Tri-Boro Cinema Closed? on Jan 24, 2006 at 7:19 pm

Chummer, thanks for the info on Jim Quinn. I saw him daily at Texas Instruments. He was one heck of a worker and he was always great to me and his customers.

It really is a shame what happened to this theater because it had all the right stuff to keep going provided a few dollars were destined for the maintenance coiffers. Apparently, as you state, this wasn’t the case.

As far as pictures, try for hosting pictures and just provide the link. Doesn’t appear that Cinema Treasures is functional in that respect.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Tri-Boro Cinema Closed? on Nov 8, 2005 at 7:21 pm

Wow! While the Tri-Boro certainly wasn’t leading edge or had fancy decor, it was very well known.

I haven’t been there in about 8 years but I had gone there rather steady in the late 70’s.

There was a guy named Jimmy, tall, slightly balding that ran or managed the place at nights. He also worked the Bld. 2 cafetera at Texas Instruments.

Excellent parking, decent prices but not mainstream or visible from the road.

Sad, I really liked this place.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Strand Theatre on Aug 29, 2005 at 9:23 am

Marialivia, I was born in 1955 and I know I went to the Srand probably twice. I seem to recall from city directory listings that the Strand disappeared from their books around 1964, so 1963 was probably the last year.

FWIW, I don’t remember a thing other than it was more expensive than the Lafayette in Central Falls!!

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Metropolitan Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 3:23 pm

Gerald, how do I email my address to you? I have the ‘accept private email’ turned on in my profile but I do not know how to send private email to you.

Can you advise on how to do this? I realize that you don’t want you’re email addy displayed for all to see but I do not know how to do it otherwise.

Roland L.
Roland L. commented about Metropolitan Theatre on Aug 22, 2005 at 1:25 pm

Gerald, these pictures are truly exciting to see. We often forget about the faces behind the scenes to run these theaters.

Of interest to me is that I can print them out to show my neighbor.
Her husband was a some sort of display/artist/architect guy who did freelance work for the Providence to New Haven areas. She told me that her husband frequently did display work for the Majestic. Yes, I did ask if she had pictures of any of his work and she didn’t. I’m going to print these pictures to see if she remembers these people.

If permissible, I would LOVE to hear how you can across this Fred Deusch and his pictures.