Long Point Cinema

10016 Long Point Road,
Houston, TX 77080

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Architects: Woodrow Bush, Richard B. Walton

Functions: Restaurant

Previous Names: Oak Village Theatre

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Long Point Cinema

The Oak Village was originally planned as a twin, but the second auditorium never opened. The 1,050-seat Oak Village Theatre opened on June 27, 1963 with Walt Disney’s “Flight of the White Stallion”. On June 25, 1976 it was renamed Long Point Cinema. In the 1990’s it was divided into 5 small screens.

Contributed by Ken McIntyre

Recent comments (view all 11 comments)

williamburge on October 22, 2011 at 8:22 am

The opening film was disneys miracle of the white stallions with robert taylor. The date was june 23, 1963. My grandfather robert burge sr designed the furniture that was in the front ticket booth. I remember when I was 11 I saw in the summer of 1967 doctor dolittle with rex harrison. The theatre had a big single screen and lots of seats. In the 1970s the radio station klol in houston texas presented midnight shows like a hard days night, 2001 a space oddessy, easy rider. the theatre was packed for the films and during the beatles film the theatre turned the volume up and the patrons when wild. it was like you where in the same room with the beatles it was great. During the summer of 1973 they showed all 5 planet of the apes films all day long. the marquee called it a ape marathon . It was great alot of kids where there. Back in the 1990s they split the one large screen to five little screens making it a dollar cinema that was the begining of the end of the theatre. I wish they had not split that huge screen. they did it for economics.

JMoreland on July 28, 2012 at 1:13 pm

Loved going to this theater. Saw “Mary Poppins” and the all-day 5-film “Planet of the Apes” marathon here, among many, many others. And I loved that I could get a big pickle at the concession stand.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on November 18, 2013 at 9:05 am

The Boxoffice article Tinseltoes linked to says that the Oak Village Theatre was designed by architects Richard B. Walton and Woodrow Bush.

RSM3853 on September 1, 2015 at 6:41 pm

The picture above was taken during the 4th week that the Oak Village was open…July 17-23, 1963. The theater opened on June 26, 1963 with Walt Disney’s “The Miracle of the White Stallions”.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on May 16, 2016 at 8:59 pm

A couple of photos of the auditorium of the Oak Village Theatre can be seen on this page of Boxoffice, October 21, 1963 (click + sign in toobar at bottom to embiggen, scroll up two pages to read the beginning of the article.

JackCoursey on January 29, 2018 at 8:02 pm

Wasn’t this theatre’s auditorium divided up into from smaller screens prior to it’s closure?

Darrylb on March 3, 2019 at 7:58 pm

Right, in regards to Jack’s question. I think its name was also changed to Long Point Cinema then but I could be wrong (could’ve sworn it was called that; anyone remember?). It had five screens once it closed down.

rivest266 on November 10, 2022 at 4:12 pm

reopened as the Long Point Cinema on June 25th, 1976. Grand opening ad posted.

JBW857 on March 20, 2023 at 10:49 am

Wow! I remember going there in junior high with my girlfriend, Ginger (from Landrum JH). We watched True Grit. She kept dropping her arm off of the seat into my seat hoping I would hold her hand. What a dope I was! Also, remember seeing Planet of the Apes and Escape from the Planet of the Apes. The last film I saw there was circa 1980ish when the theater played The Beatles' Let It Be as a midnight showing! Great memories as I grew up in Spring Branch.

rivest266 on July 4, 2023 at 12:50 pm

Opened on June 27th, 1963. Ad posted.

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