Comments from MPol

Showing 401 - 425 of 1,295 comments

MPol commented about Will movies at home kill movie theaters? on Dec 14, 2009 at 7:37 am

I second the opinions of the posters that believe that;

A) No matter what happens, there’ll always be people (myself included) who much prefer going to see movies in a real movie theatre, on the great big, wide screen, with the lights down low.

B) Much, if not most of what’s coming out nowadays in the way of movies totally stinks,

C) Many of the older classics ( up through the 1960’s and early to mid 1970’s) were better, although there were afew good ones in the 1980’s and beyond.

D) Admission prices to these multiplexes for the movie, as well as the concession prices are outrageous.

E) The behaviour of much of the audience (especially of many of today’s younger audiences) is rude, boorish, and in need of some discipline, such as threats of booting from the theatre, or actual booting from the theatre if they persist in their lousy behaviour (i. e. cellphone use and texting, talking during film, etc.)

F) There are ways to beat this situation. One doesn’t necessarily have to resign him/herself to watching movies at home on a DVD player on TV. Since there are still some great, independent theatres here in the United States that play a combo of classics, independent films, and other art
films, the best way to do it is to have a yearly membership to one or more of these theatres if a theatre in one’s area has such a program. Having an annual membership, even if it’s a very basic one, enables people to get into movies on a discount, which is often substantial, and, in theatres like that which show better quality movies, there’s often far less of a problem with audiences who use their cellphones, text, or talk, etc., during the movie.

G) I also second the opinion that movie theatre staff should crack down on such behaviour and warn and/or expel audience members who disturb others in the theatre with the above-mentioned behaviour. If audience members are going to act like children, they should be treated like children!!

MPol commented about The past decade was SUPER, SUPER, SUPER (but not all of it was good!). on Dec 14, 2009 at 7:20 am

It’s no wonder that I personally prefer the older classic films, most notably of the 1960’s and from some of the 1970’s! Not only does Hollywood seem to be running out of ideas for moviemaking, but it’s yet another indication of the dumbing down of the United States of America, which has gone on for the past 25-30 some odd years, and is continuing, imho.

Bring back some of the great, golden-oldie-but-goody classic films to the great big, wide movie theatre screen! They’re missed, and probably by more people than most care to believe…or to realize.

MPol commented about Columbus's Grandview Theater reopens on Dec 11, 2009 at 2:18 pm

Ouch!! How do spammers get on here? Not good, at all, imho.

Anyway, back to a more positive note; It’s heartening to hear of yet another movie theatre re-opening, especially one that doesn’t play the same sort of schlocky movies that most other movie theatres play nowadays.

MPol commented about Encore showings of "The Wizard of Oz" on Nov. 17, but has it peaked in terms of its appeal? on Dec 3, 2009 at 9:02 pm

I don’t know, KingBiscuits. One really does get what they pay for, especially nowadays. I wouldn’t take a chance on a cheaper DVD player, in the event that I were to get one. Better to dig somewhat deeper into one’s pocketbook and spend more money for a more reliable, more trustyworthy DVD player that won’t break down.

MPol commented about Screenvision announces new Long-Term agreement with Bow Tie Cinemas on Dec 3, 2009 at 8:55 pm

Somehow, I get the feeling that the movie/TV ads are now in the movie theatres to benefit last-minute late stragglers into the movies. Just my opinion.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Nov 30, 2009 at 5:37 pm

Sounds as it you guys had fun!!

MPol commented about Big Flicks at Paramount on Nov 25, 2009 at 6:06 pm

Me too, CWalczak!!

Hey—what are some of the other flicks playing there besides “Gone With The Wind”? Just curious. Will they play movies such as West Side Story as well? That, too, would be cool. Again, if I were in the Rutland area, I’d attend this Big Flick Series at the Paramount in a heartbeat.

MPol commented about Columbia Theatre on Nov 25, 2009 at 5:59 pm

Thanks for the latest photo, Lost Memory. It’s heartrending to see such a handsome theatre shut down like that.

MPol commented about Hollywood Theater on Nov 20, 2009 at 6:33 pm

Neat theatre—neat schedule of movies!!

MPol commented about Encore showings of "The Wizard of Oz" on Nov. 17, but has it peaked in terms of its appeal? on Nov 13, 2009 at 9:41 am

Oh no? Since when? I’m curious, because people really do get what they pay for these days. Often enough, the cheaper DVD players, be they the standard or the Blue-Ray ones, tend to break down much, much more often, as members of my family can and will attest, through personal experience. They ended up paying more for better DVD players, but it was worth it to them.

MPol commented about Encore showings of "The Wizard of Oz" on Nov. 17, but has it peaked in terms of its appeal? on Nov 12, 2009 at 8:58 pm

Ian Judge, you’re right about this:

“but MPol, you manage to squeeze your overwhelming love for West Side Story into every page here on CT”

but I can’t resist!

Kram Sacul: blue-Ray sounds fanatastic, but expensive. Besides, one needs a special Blue-Ray DVD player, because a standard DVD player doesn’t work for Blue-Ray

MPol commented about Encore showings of "The Wizard of Oz" on Nov. 17, but has it peaked in terms of its appeal? on Nov 10, 2009 at 8:34 pm

I agree with you there, Ken Layton.

Justin Fencsak:, Wizard of Oz is another movie that’s best shown on the great big, wide screen, in a real movie theatre, with the lights down low.

PeterApruzzese: It sounds like you guys all had a wonderful time seeing WOO at the Lafayette Theatre last year.

hey—I wish they’d do a national re-release for the film West Side Story.

MPol commented about MPAA undercuts cinema distrubution on Nov 9, 2009 at 7:29 pm

It’s agreed that MPAA has undercut theatre movie distributions, which is disgusting and destructive, not to mention a form of piracy in itself, imho. As a cinephile who still enjoys going to great, older movies as well as some new ones, I will not be driven away.

MPol commented about Rare 35mm prints at the 26th Olympia Film Festival on Nov 8, 2009 at 12:40 am

Without having seen them, yet having looked at the advertising pictures, I can agree.

MPol commented about Happy 50th, "Sleeping Beauty" on Nov 3, 2009 at 4:47 pm

Wow! That must’ve been neat!

MPol commented about Happy 50th, "Sleeping Beauty" on Nov 1, 2009 at 11:37 pm

Not sure, but I did also see “Grand Canyon Suite” along with “Sleeping Beauty. That was another beautiful film.

MPol commented about Happy 50th, "Sleeping Beauty" on Nov 1, 2009 at 4:53 pm

I saw the film “Sleeping Beauty” in a now-defunct Boston movie Theatre (the name which escapes me at the moment) at a friend’s birthday party back in 1959, in the second grade. It was a well-done, well-printed film, which I enjoyed a great deal.

MPol commented about 14 Screen Regal multiplex opens in downtown L.A. on Oct 30, 2009 at 3:56 am

It’s funny how yet another multiplex cinema is opening up when so many multiplex cinema franchises are in such financial trouble.

MPol commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 29, 2009 at 12:02 am

The above link doesn’t work. Sorry.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 21, 2009 at 4:51 pm

I never saw the original “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, but I did see the remake of it, and, when we were waiting to get into the screening we’d come for, we noticed that a number of people coming out of the previous screening of “Invaders of the Body Snatchers” remake seemed scared out of their minds. I wasn’t crazy about the “Body Snatchers” remake myself. I’m sure the original was better. That’s almost always the case.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 21, 2009 at 8:20 am

Although I never saw the movie “House on Haunted Hill”, I have seen “Rebel Without a Cause”, “Sunset Boulevard” and a re-make of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (not the original).

I love the photobucket photograph you posted, btw. Thanks.

MPol commented about Lafayette Theatre on Oct 20, 2009 at 10:13 am

How exciting it must be to visit various locations where famous movies were made!

MPol commented about Cobb Theaters to open CineBistro in Tampa on Oct 19, 2009 at 10:06 pm

Sounds cool!!

MPol commented about In Baltimore, Bengie's Drive-In keeps its reels turning on Oct 16, 2009 at 10:09 am

Sounds great! All the best of luck!

MPol commented about Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas looking towards major expansion on Oct 16, 2009 at 10:05 am

Hey!! Let ‘em come here to the Boston area! We need more movie theatres here, and not just ones that play the schlockier movies of today!