Demolition of Wyandotte Theater imminent

posted by angryjim on July 4, 2007 at 3:46 pm

WYANDOTTE, MI — The long limbo of Wyandotte’s large art deco theater is about to end; unfortunately, with its destruction, as reported in Detroit’s metromode.

The Wyandotte was the first multi-screen theater built in Michigan when opened in 1936. Ironically consultants to the city reportedly claimed that the theater couldn’t be viable now without ten or more screens. It only ever had two, and couldn’t be renovated to include more than six.

While the deco styling was cool, even when I was a kid, it seemed a little sparse for the huge space in the main theater, and I was always struck more by the large Indian heads motifs, which seemed very unique.

Though the theater went through the inevitable descent through second-run films, it’s been closed for years, and weathered a couple of attempts at failed renovations that have left it gutted. Though my friends and I rode our bikes or made long summer walks to see matinees, my best and last first-run memory of the place is sitting with feet on the backs of seats, only a couple of rows back from the massive screen, watching “Stand By Me.” Even the empty and closed presence of the theater rekindled those memories. It’ll be missed.

Comments (3)

HowardBHaas on July 4, 2007 at 5:40 pm

here’s the theater link: /theaters/9231/

genaconti on September 7, 2007 at 12:25 am

Alas…We say a very fond farewell to the Wyandotte Theatre…

I cannot believe the number of “stories” I’ve heard about the theatre —– real people in the streets with cameras and sighs and fond memories shared with me as I photographed (every day, in many stages, ‘round the clock) the tear down. Oh! The bitter-sweetness of it all… People standing still, shaking their heads in sad disbelief…staying longer, quietly sitting “bedside with a dying friend."
I regret I did not have a tape recorder…

Residents strolled past the scrap of our once vital, exciting, entertaining social corner on 1st and Elm Streets. A solid core of memories mingle us with the bricks on the ground. Strohs or Sanders ice cream treats in hand… we all stop, all recollect our special, pleasant moments in time with friends, with family, with ownership in Wyandotte Theatre history.

See you at the movies ……….
Slow demolition slide show photos here:
View link

Gena Conti

tube2005 on November 26, 2007 at 5:17 am

do you have any old theater sound equipment like speaker amplifier .i pay big money and remove pay cash.773-339-9035

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