Orpheum returning to a single screen layout

posted by CSWalczak on January 27, 2010 at 9:45 am

MADISON, WI — A wall that was erected in the 1960s to create a separate theater out of the stage area of the Orpheum is going to be removed so the theater can be used for larger stage productions. Movies are still shown in this 1927 Rapp & Rapp house which is also used for live entertainment.

he wall hampers live performances in both spaces because of loss of capacity, sightline problems and increased production costs.

“Broadway-style productions, dance recitals, ballets or operas even – those type of things we’d like to focus more on in the future,” Doane said. “This business is event-driven, and we need to do as many things as we can to keep it afloat. The more variety of things we can do the better the bottom line is going to be in the long run.”

There is more in this story on Madison.com.

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