Jubilee Theatre is renovated and open!

posted by JimmyDorrell on December 3, 2010 at 7:50 am

WACO, TX — The “oohs” and “ahhs” were heard all day at the recent reopening of the renovated Jubilee Theatre at 1319 N. 15th. New curtains, doors, an expanded stage, more technology and even direct access to the World Cup Café for dinner theaters and Fair Trade is now a reality. A full venue of performances from plays to social justice films to talent shows and musical programs are scheduled. The “Price of Sugar,” an award-winning documentary is scheduled for Nov 14, followed by the dramatic reading of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” on Dec 18. See all of the new opportunities here for details. Rental fees and availability is also posted.

“Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Saturday, Dec 18, 7:00
Ticket donations for Jubilee Theatre event allow lower-income to attend
The acclaimed holiday story of the wild Herdsman children will be the first outside feature of the newly renovated Jubilee Theatre. Called “ … outrageous, lively, funny, and wonderful ” by the The Denver Post"; “could become a classic, one of the best Christmas books ever.” says Publisher’s Weekly. From the generosity of local Wacoans, over 100 tickets have been donated so that lower-income children and families can attend the event. Potter’s Cast from Tyler, Texas, will be producing the show which has become a favorite. If you are interested in attending or purchasing tickets for others, go online to theofficial website for details or call Mission Waco’s office, 254.753.4900.

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Comments (1)

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on December 3, 2010 at 12:55 pm

Is it a 35mm format?

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