Indy’s College Park 14 reopens as the Movie Buff

posted by CSWalczak on May 13, 2011 at 3:50 pm

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Closed since 2009, the former AMC/Loew’s College Park 14 was reopened May 6 by a Florida resident and renamed the Movie Buff. The new owner is contemplating offering a mix of new and old films, religious films, and special cinematic events.

Tickets are $5 on weekdays and $7 on weekends.

“I know I can build it back up,” Friedman said. “It’s going to take a little time. People need to know I am here.”

The story is in the Indianapolis Star.

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Comments (1)

cvolosin on May 13, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Wishing him the best of luck in this economy, hopefully the lower than market average pricing will attract the customers that may appreciate not being taken to the cleaners at $10-$12 A ticket!


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