Former Odeon Hartlepool to be finally demolished?

posted by jbn6773 on March 29, 2007 at 6:45 am

HARTLEPOOL, ENGLAND — More than 25 years after this cinema showed its last film, the final curtain may come down on the Odeon. Apart from a brief spell as Joe Pools / Caesars Palace, the Odeon has remained out of use, slowly decaying.

Now a report, commissioned by Hartlepool Borough Council has stated that there is no feasible re-use for the building or retention of its listed facade. The council is now looking at redevelopment of the site possibly for housing. A selection of photos showing the Odeon ‘then and now’ can be seen here.

If demolition goes ahead, it will leave only 1 original cinema building in the town, the former essoldo, located only a few minutes walk away. This is currently in use as Carlton Bingo.

(Thanks to James for providing the photo.)

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Comments (3)

Stephen Lynch
Stephen Lynch on March 31, 2007 at 7:37 am

The council have a duty to ensure the fascade is kept due tothe grade 2 listing and should be taken to task through the local government ombudsman for not doing so A good architect could easily incorporate the fascade into a new building but they are either too egotistical or lazy to do so these days.

theatre4sale on June 6, 2007 at 11:50 am

If anyone has any contact information could they please let me know. Does anyone have any photos of the inside?

jbn6773 on June 14, 2007 at 10:11 am

the only contact number regarding the site is for the current owners birotex group, mainsforth terrace, hartlepool 01429 273491. Time is running out as the council are looking at possible development into housing for the site. The property was on sale through an agent offers circa £500,000, but bearing in mind its continuing deterioration and the fact the owners have been removing nightclub fittings from within, it must be worth less than that now. I have no photos from within, though the Hartlepool Mail (local newspaper) might be able to assist 01429 221221. The main part of the auditorium is painted all black following its use as Caesars Palace (the original ceiling is still visible), there is a small bar at the rear stalls and the rear circle is believed to house 2 small cinemas (never opened) which were included by the owners in the mid 90’s for a development that never came to fruition. The original staircase from the foyer to the first floor foyer remains, little has been changed here as large areas have remained out of use since its closure in 1981

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