Redondo Beach Cinema 3 closure

posted by icekid1994 on March 21, 2010 at 9:40 am

REDONDO BEACH, CA — While driving to the DMV from Redondo Beach, taking Hawthorne Blvd, I noticed that the theater marquee at the Redondo Beach Cinema 3 says “CLOSED”. This happened in the afternoon. While getting ready for bed, I discovered that the theater is going to be demolished to make room for a new shopping center. This will happen on the site of the: Former Thrifty, and CompUSA Computer Stores, Dirt lot where the bowling alley was until 2004/2005, and this theater. The bank will remain. The project will happen throughout 2010 and until Fall 2011.

Along with the Fairfax, this is another theater formerly operated by Regency Theatres that is no longer listed on their website. What does this say about their other theatrical interests in the L.A. area?

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Comments (1)

CTCrouch on March 21, 2010 at 12:44 pm

It doesn’t really say anything about the other theatres they manage; just that these two sites had owners that wanted to do somethig else with the properties. They likely have a few other sites that could see the same thing happen down the road, but they also operate quite a few that are relatively locked in to remaining as cinemas. Plus, they’ve been picking up additional locations at a pretty steady pace (they are about to reopen the Franciscan Plaza, in San Juan Capistrano). This sort of loss and gain is just a part of doing business; especially when operating older cinema properties.

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